Omnipod, Dexcom and Looping

Is there a looping system being set up to work with Omnipod
and Dexcom?

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So far only LoopDocs . Excellent documentation and wonderful support on facebook, but entirely DIY and NOT FDA approved. I’ve been looping for over a year and love it with no plans to change.

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Omnipod 5 which was being called Horizon is supposed to be out either this year or next. I think it was supposed to be out last year but covid.

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Please note that Loop as programmed with Loop Docs only works with the old-style Eros pods. Horizon and Loop through Tidepool will only work with the Dash pods. Tidepool has filed with the FDA and it is possible that you’ll be able to access that later in 2021. I don’t know what the status of Insulet’s Horizon is but my understanding is that it will be released in 2021. The pandemic has slowed down the release of some diabetes tech because of clinical trials being slowed down or stopped.

If you are going to Loop now with the Eros pods, you will need to purchase a Riley Link, get an Apple Developer Account, and program everything on a Mac computer to be transferred to an Apple phone. That is a minimum of $250. Fortunately the instructions on Loop Docs are very thorough and user friendly.

I Looped for a while but hated Omnipod so much that it was a failure. But lots of people love Omnipod and do great with Looping. One advantage of the do-it-yourself Loop system is that you have more control over your settings and targets compared to what the commercial systems will probably allow.

There is a Facebook group about Looping and you might want to check it out.


I am using DIY Loop that @BradP and @Laddie mentioned for going on 2 years. I’m very happy with it.


Is there a “diy looping for dummies” post anywhere, whether on this site or some other? I’ve been on Omnipod for years (also G6) and am ready to give this a try…I just find this whole topic a little overwhelming, as regards to setup.