I’ve been using the OmniPod pump for about a year with great results. However, about 3 weeks ago, I started having itchy skin where the pod was located. When I removed the pod, the site would be red, itchy, and sometimes swollen, hot and oozing. The OmniPod company and my doctor can’t seem to come up with a reason for this other than I’m having a reaction and to stop using the pod for a while. Has anyone else heard of this kind of reaction developing over time? Any ideas?
I had the same type of reaction to the adhesive on the back of my quickset sites. The solution that worked for me was to first apply a tegaderm patch, and then put my site in through the patch. For some weird reason, I’m not sensitive to the adhesive on the tegaderm.
I used to use the IV3000 patches for this, but they changed the adhesive on them and now they don’t stick as well.
Thanks for the info. I’ve tried a spray on barrier, but that didn’t help. Maybe the patch will work.
What happens if you are allergic to the Tegaderm patch ??? Help…I never used to be allergic to it…
Try different things. Tegaderm, IV 3000 tape, paper tape…whatever works. Usually you’re not sensitive to ALL adhesives, just to some. You might want to call your pump company and see if they can send you samples of various barrier tapes to try.
Yup! Unfortunately, I began having site problems after less than 1 year on the OmniPod. I blame it on two things: (1) the Pod adhesive, and the fact that the part of the Pod that adheres to the skin is so big, and (2) the skin really cannot “breathe” because not only is the Pod adhesive covering it, but the big plastic Pod is over the top of the adhesive, making things even worse. Ultimately, I had to give up the OmniPod forever.
I work in a school, and a kid at school was recently trained on the OmniPod system. The trainer came to school to train the nurse. I spoke with the trainer and asked her about Pod adhesive allergy, since I’m sure that’s what I had (even though it did not start immediately.) She said, “Sorry. There is no solution for that. Some people’s skin just does not like the OmniPod adhesive.” By the way, I switched to a traditional pump (MM) with tubing AND CGMS! I really enjoy pumping and have had fewer problems, all round, since switching to this system.
I guess its good to know that this happened to other people too. I’m thinking I’ll try the patch first. I’m aprehensive about trying a traditional pump with the tubing…it just seems like it would get in the way more. How do you think they compare?
I use baby oil to remove the pod & after removed, I put some desitin (baby cream). I switch places, so I don’t have to put the pod at the same spot in 12 days. Try this along with the other suggestions…god bless
O.K. I’m going to be honest. I did even try wearing an IV 3000 patch over the spot, before putting the Pod on, after I began having skin reactions. It didn’t solve the problem. I, personally, did not have enough places to wear the Pods, so I couldn’t rotate sites as well as I can with the tiny infusion sets for my MM pump. I have some atrophy from years of injections of unpurified insulins, and I am slender, further limiting places I could wear Pods.
When I switched to a regular pump, one advantage was that I could carry around a much smaller BG meter. I can take a bolus by simply pressing the buttons on the pump itself. The CGM is amazing in helping me recognize both LOW and HIGH BGs. The disadvantage is that the insertion of the cannula and the filling of the reservoir is harder, but after maybe 2 months I began not having to think about it when it came time to fill up a new reservoir (I change every 2 days, as I did when I was wearing the OmniPods.)
It is more difficult to wear a dress with a traditional pump. I believe the Animas pump is waterproof, though. Hope this helps!
One more thing … go to diabetesmine.com I believe Amy Tenderich (the blogger) wears the OmniPod, and has had site adhesive issues. Type that into a search box on her site, and see what comes up. Send her an e-mail!
I also need help I’m having the same problem!! My abd is covered with scabs from itching and so sore can not place the pod any were. The adhesive makes me brake out every time I wear a pod. I’m so close to getting rid of this thing.
For some reason the MM adhesive is different from others and I don;t seem to get such a reaction with MM. I tried the CGM Navigator and that was horrible. I had a rash all over my stomach. The MM CGM adhesive does not seem to bother me so much, but to insert the sensor with that huge needle is horrible !!!
I think a lot of type 1’s are slim and don;t have much “real estate” to put all this equipment on !!
I developed the same problem after a year. I discovered that I have to change my pod every other day. It is strange, because all of a sudden it stopped, after the end of my second year.
Hi Tabby, I have bad alergies to all adhesives, even bandaids and am on the omnipod. I use Coloplast made by Mentor. It is a swipe you apply to the skin before putting on the Pod! It is inexpensive and it works wonderfully!
Try it and let me know how it works for you. You can buy it online if you do a google search. Good luck.