Adhesive issues

Hey everyone,

So.. I was DX when I was 8 and am almost 20 now. At 9 yrs old, I got the medtronic pump. In high school I went back to shots. When I was 17, almost 18, I got the OmniPod. Now.. I have VERY sensitive skin and seem to be allergic to a lot of different things. When I was on medtronic, I had a little bit of itching with the adhesive tape. Not terrible, though. It might be because I was so little that I just ignored it, I'm not sure.

With the OmniPod, it gives me an allergic reaction almost every time. It got to the point where my body was rejecting the insulin because it was so itchy. UGH. I am currently still on the OmniPod but just got off the phone with my local rep and she thinks it's time for me to go off of the pods because we have exhausted all options and its not worth risking my health any longer.

My fear- I've only had the Omnipod for such a short time. I know my insurance is going to put up one huge fight.

I am afraid that even if I get a new pump, I am still going to have adhesive issues. I am just terrified, to be honest. I really do not want to be on shots the rest of my life. The Omnipod adhesive is supposed to be such a low-allergy tape that I fear I'm out of luck.

I am honestly a mess right now because I feel like there will be nothing for me. Has anyone else had any of these issues?

I have tried pretty much all adhesive barrier wipes...

What do you use to prep your skin?

Have you tried barrier tape, like IV3000 or Tegaderm? I'm very allergic to the adhesive on the Quicksets, so I first cover the intended site with either of the above and then insert the site on top of the barrier tape. That has worked well for me for several years. I believe there may be other barrier tapes that can be used, too, but I don't know the names of them.


Sorry to hear that. I have some stuff maybe it will help. But you may have used them too. Smith & nephew I.V. Wipes and Tegaderm film. Not even sure I am recommending the right things. Sorry. I wish there was an allergy pill to take to clear up the itching. :frowning:

Alcohol wipe, and AllKare adhesive barrier. I just tried using SkinTac on my last site and it didn't do a thing :(

Unfortunately I am even more allergic to IV3000 than I am to the adhesive. I believe I have tried Tegaderm because it sounds so familiar but I will try to get a sample to try.. thanks!!

Thanks! I have tried IV wipes but it didn't do anything. Like I said to the other person that responded, I believe I have tried Tegaderm (I have used so many different products that they all start running together lol!) but I am going to try to get a sample.

I know, me too. My rep wants me to see an allergist/immunologist to see what they think. It just sucks.

I'm also allergic to the adhesive on infusion sets (gets very itchy after 12-24 hours, and often has a rash when I remove it) and also it seems the plastic cannulas (I get large, VERY itchy and red raised area where it punctures my skin). I just switched to needle sets to see if it helps, on my endocrinologist's recommendation. They still get itchy but seemed much less irritated when I removed it.

I find Tegaderm helps sometimes, but if I get at all hot or sweaty it gets soooooo itchy and gets a painful red ring all around the outside. I don't think it's an actual allergy, I just think my skin is super sensitive.

I know it's not an option with the OmniPod, but have you tried needle sets to make sure your problem isn't in part due to the plastic cannula? My sites were also not absorbing well, and I am hoping the needle sets take away a lot of the random highs and sites just "dying" after a day or two that I was getting.

I haven't tried it on sites, but I wonder if Benadryl cream would help? I've used that on hives (I sometimes get random hives from fabric, etc.) and it helps make them go away much faster. I take an antihistamine every day for seasonal and environmental allergies, and I also actually find this to help my sites, they take longer to get itchy, although I don't know if it actually helped them last longer, nor whether it's worth taking an antihistamine just for an adhesive reaction.

I have some problems with adhesives, not the extent it sounds like you do, but here's what has helped ME at least:

I never, never NEVER use alcohol wipes. They dry out my skin which makes it more "fragile" and susceptible to irritation. I got lectured by the last CDE I saw for not disinfecting first, but its my skin not hers and I've had only a few sites ever get infected. For me the threat of irritation is much greater than the threat of infection.

I'm also sure that my sites are happier if I don't put them on freshly showered skin. I like the day after a shower best, or at least a day that I didn't scrub with soap in the shower.

I've inserted sets through tape, but I did okay with the IV3000 for the most part so I didn't try others. I've heard of a couple people having less reaction to a hydrocolloid tape patch although I'm not sure how well you could stab a pod through. I know if you ask Amazon about tegaderm and then check all the recommendations there's a lot of other brands that show up- Duoderm, Blenderm, Convatec.... Tegadem and IV3000 are the most commonly used which is why all the pump companies suggest them, but there's other tape options out there.

I take an antihistamine daily for other allergy issues( the generic zyrtec, which for whatever reason works way better for me than the generic other ones, and I get it really cheap at Sams club OTC, like 300 for $25), but its helped cut down on the irritation from the tapes too. For me one pill a day is worth stretching out a site for another day or two without mass irritation!

I've dabbled in lots of different site prep wipes- some worked better than others, but it might be worth trying a bunch of different kinds before throwing in the towel. Same deal as the tapes, put "skin tac" into Amazon and check all the related recommendations- skin prep, iv prep, mastisol- all slightly different. I got tired of having extra steps though so I never followed through to figure out which one worked best for me.

Not relevant to podding, but I recently switched to the metal sets and its made a nice difference for me. What I found out the hard way was that half of my adhesive reaction wasn't actually the adhesive, it was the infusion set. I don't use them exclusively because I can't figure out how to get them behind me without an inserter, but having thrown those into the mix seems to make the plastic ones (when I do use them) happier than they used to be.

And now, not relevant to the original post, but in response to the Ring of Irritation on the edges of a site.... I finally showed my Dr the scars from the blisters I was getting on the edges of the tape I was using to hold a CGM to the back of my arm and he explained that it didn't matter which tape I used because its actually the tape pulling on your skin in tiny micro-movements that tears your skin apart and in a bad spot turns into what looks like a bad rash or can even blister. The solution to that was some of the skin prep wipes, and me just getting a handle on which skin was to thin to put tape on. If its just on the edges, it not an allergy, its a 'thin skin' issue! Who knew?!

Good luck!