Omnipod vs Ping

I am considering an insulin pump and I am looking for some advise. Some of my history is: I am Type 2 diabetic, my A1C is 6.1, I take 4-5 injections of humalog per day averaging 45 units total and I inject 15 units of lantus per night. I am 6 ft. tall, weighing about 150 pounds, with very little body fat.
I am interested in which unit that you think would be best for my situation. Should I even be on a pump?
Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I’m not sure about whether you should be on a pump, you seem awfully skinny for a type two diabetic? Sure you’re not a lada? my daughter is on omnipod and we have spent the month on a steep learning curve, but I can say she LOVES tubeless, she’s a competitive athlete and has had no trouble with the thing coming off,

the process of changing out the pod is so easy she pretty much does it herself ( she’s 11)

we don’t have cgm yet, but I figure we’ll do dexcom, so we weren’t going to wait around for the integrated version of vibe anyway.

What does everyone else think? Omnipod vs ping.

PS our endo was pushing us more for the ping, but she wanted omnipod so bad we went with it anyway.

We had two pods fail upon priming, and one fail by alarming on the third day this month. This is on par with other omnipod users I know. just keep an extra pod with you, and be ready to switch it out if you have to.

they replace them.

Best, Natalie

I just got the ping. I was leaning toward omnipod for a very long time, but I eventually decided that I didn't care for the large lump of the pod on my body. I tried the dummy pods that they'll send you if you ask, but they seemed too in the way for me. The insets lay flat against my skin and I can disconnect the tubing when I want to. I didn't like that I couldn't remove the pod or part of it from my skin without wasting it.

Today is my first day wearing my ping, and I just tucked the pump into my clothes (my bra, but I assume your choice will be pocket, lol). It's not in the way at all, so far. We'll see what happens when I try to go to sleep tonight...

Thanks for sharing this knittykat. I am waiting for my pump (Minimed 723 Revel) to arrive. I am wondering whether or not to attach the inset to the back of my arm and wear the pump in my bra or on my waistband. I use a computer all day for work and talk on the phone and I don't want it to be bothersome. I think attaching it to my abdomen or my upper buttocks will work too.

I've been wearing the pump in my bra. I don't have much space to hide it there, but I stick it kind of up in the corner of the cup, and it's not too noticeable. I feel like anyone who notices it is looking too hard at your boobs and should get the wag of your finger anyway! I like it there because when I put it in my pants pocket I have to be really careful when I pull my pants down in the bathroom. Not undoable, but annoying. I don't have to worry about it at all in my bra.

How are things going with the Ping? I just got an Omnipod and I also wore the dummy pods before I ordered the real thing but a dummy pod for 3 days didn't set me up for having it on forever. It's getting really annoying. I'm asking about switching but I always try to make the best decision possible so if you could tell me the pros and cons of switching for yourself it would be really helpful I think.

I wear my ping in my bra ALL the time. When I do any activity or anything I wear a normal bra with the pump clipped in the middle as usual but when I put a sports bra over top to keep the pump down & the ta ta's tamed. LOL!