Hi my two daughters are both Type 1 diabetes my oldest is 13 and is newly diagnosed coming on for 2months and my youngest is 5 and coming on for 10 months. Im wanting information on the omnipod or something similiar, for both my daughters to get. We have major problem with the needles most days and need to look into other avenues. We live in Australia and are not sure when the omnipod is coming here ive mentioned it to our doctor and they have no idea, also spoke to our diabetes australia who couldnt help me either. Feedback would be apprecited as feeling a little bit isolated at this moment.
Have you spoken with your doctor about the traditional pump - at least until the OmniPod is available in Australia. I am not wild about needles either, but I did get the traditional pump about 5 months ago. It helps a great deal to make blood glucose control a lot easier.
I would look into tubed pumps for right now. I have never had any problems with them and I can always move my pump if it gets in the way. For me the Omnipod was never an option due to being allergic to adhesives. Each pump has its advantages and disadvantages. I would check with the pump representatives in Australia and see which pumps are available to you. I would have them come out to you and let you and your daughters “play” with each one of them. 50/50 pharmacy has a monkey that has a pump with it that might make the idea of pumping less scary for your 5 year old. One shot every three days is a breeze compared to 10 a day for me.
epic mine thread bump.....any news on the omnipod to australia? google reveals nil
edit: or for that matter some good waterproof ones which you could wear a wetsuit with? heehee
I love my pod and for kids I would think it ideal. Going to a tubed pump first might be good so that they can get used to the whole idea of the logistics, just be careful they don't get turned off by the tubing. The pod is so much better, no unhooking when you swim or bathe. The insertion for me is painless and it's only once every three days. Everyone is different though. Wish I could tell you when it's available in Australia but you can go to the website myomnipod.com and send an email asking or call! 781.457.5098
Good luck! Can't imagine the stress with two little ones with this.
I've heard that people with omnipods have a lot of problems with them, and that the medtronic and animas pumps are a lot more reliable. Plus the omnipod is huge! It looks like having a big tumor growing out of you..lol. A lot of people are intimidated by the idea of tubing, but in a short time you don't even notice it. I agree with others: See which pumps are available for you and learn about their different advantages and disadvantages so you can decide what is right for your girls. If they can get a trial loaner of one so they can really experience it that would be even better!
Thanks so much for your advise every little bit of support helps us. With two girls having diabetes is very hard as they are very different with their treatments, and needs, so i want to find the best thing for them that is on offer to us. Thanks again hopefully will talk again soon
Thanks for you advise we have only ever seen the omnipod online not in real life as im sure makes the difference of preferences. Thanks again