Online Diabetes Videos Study

I am Luis Fernandez a graduate student interested in social media and diabetes. As part of my PhD, we are doing a study about online diabetes videos and we need the help of people like you.

It will be great if you participate in our web survey about diabetes videos. We will donate $3 to Diabetes Hands Foundation (up to $3000). You have more information in this link

This study is made in collaboration with the University of Tromsø (Norway), the University of Minnesota (USA) and the Northern Research Institute (Norway)

Thanks a lot,



This survey has been approved by TuDiabetes Administration

Completed. Hope you have lots of participation.

Thanks Gerri for the participation. I am having great response tudiabetes is great!

Yay! Tu has incredible members.

I also did it. Glad to see part of the Big Blue Test video in there!

until now but done :slight_smile: