OUCH! Pod is hurting from insertion to point of early removal

I am a new user, have new system and have had few, if any problems. My last change was at 3am on 4 July and it Hurt!! It was still hurting the next day and I called Insulet to find out if they had ever heard of it (no). I follow procedures as normal, carefully avoiding any area recently use (I can tell this as each insertion/fill leaves a nickel sized red area for a few weeks) and yipped as it went in (so loud hubby heard me)gave up last night and did the new pod: no problem. Examined the culprit and it looked fine (it was fully functional) Any thoughts??

Sometimes we just get a bad spot. I know I've done it a few times. Hopefully you won't get too many of those!

are you attempting to raise (pinch) the skin as the cannula is being inserted?

I know that when I forget, it is much more painful. I just started about 5 weeks ago, and 98% of the time it is not all that painful, but if I forget to pinch up the skin, the amount of pain seems to escalate.

I agree! I had a few when I started pumping, but rarely get them now. Whenever I do, I change them. No reason to be in pain for 3 days!

Me three! Every once and a while I hit a bad site. If cost is a barrier to early site change, just keep 4 other sites on the extra 8 hours. Presto! No wasted pod!

Did you wear an insluin pump before the OmniPod? Is it possible it is an allergic reaction? When my daughter started pumping at the age of 4 with Medtronic she used to get the large nickel sized red welts. Some also oozed a clear liquid and sometimes it scarred. After a month or two we found out she had an allergic reaction to the cannula that is made from Teflon. We had to switch to the Sure T set that Medtronic offered. We were nervous about switching over to OmniPod because their cannula also contains Teflon. Fortunately now that she is 8 she no longer has the allergy as she does not have these issues. Good luck in finding the cause. It really should not be that painful.

Thanks for the responses: I gave up after 48 hours and changed with no problems except loss of Pod time, insulin and torture. I examined the Pod and it appeared normal, functioned normally, and left the same nickel sized red itchy spot. I have far too much fat to cushion insertion site (no muscle sites used or tried) to have to 'pinch'. I once tried the Ipod for MDI: a adhesive port for injections over 3 days. I still got a red itchy spot and insurance didn't cover it. I have always gotten a injection site reaction regardless of types of insulin or amounts. One reason why I was changed to Humulin-R 500 as it eliminated five sites, reduced to 'only' two. I guess that it was just a BAAD site that still aches and is irritated (no more than usual). (:

be very careful of those types of reactions Budababe, that is what led me to develop anti-bodies to insulin... I end up in coma twice from that happening with two different types of insulin. Constant infections at injection sites is NOTHING to play with. You need to speak with your Dr about that. Seriously speak with them.

Sometimes you just get lucky and hit a nerve right in the right place. It happens.

Usually if it hurts when I put it on then I get blood flow when I take it off. Not good. I inserted into a capillary rather than fat.

thats happened to me a few times too...