Over the Counter

I used to think that vitamins and over the counter supplements were bogus. I am now a believer. My B12 level was zero and so now I get monthly B12 shots - totally helps your neuropathy. The first thing my endo did was put me on multivitamins, Caltrate + D, aspirin 81, and God’s gift to women B6/B12. SInce, they have added Niacin (cholesterol magic), vitamin C and E, fish oil and milk thistle (liver problems). All of these have affected my blood work. The doctors don’t add these lightly, everything for a purpose. As a diabetic I’m pretty careful what I put in my mouth. lol. I guess I’m a believer now. When I feel a cold coming I reach for the zinc.

I’m looking now for something that aids digestion. I have gastroparesis - sort of neuropathy of the stomach - and want to improve digestion. Its causing big problems with my BS. Any good suggestions?