Part D Medicare Supplemental drug coverage

Hello. Just switching to Medicare and the supplemental prescription plans. I prefer Apidra and wondered if anyone had found a prescription plan that covered Apidra or Fiasp. Fiasp caused issues a few years ago but I would love to retry as it is my favorite. Thank you.

Have you tried Plans vary by state. After you go to the website you can continue without creating an account. I check my meds every fall during open enrollment, looking for a better deal. The website will prompt you for info.

Do you use insulin pump? If yes, insulin can be covered under Part B.

Thank you. Just got back to my plan and they do not cover Apidra but do Fiasp, the first person I spoke with I think just missed that it covered one of the two. I prefer Apidra but had trouble with it last year so switched to Fiasp. Might look into again after a few months.

Thank you. I will do that in a month or so. I just found out that my plan will cover Fiasp but not Apidra so will go with that and explore my options for next year.