Wait, Paula Deen has diabetes and just announced a partnership with Novo Nordisk to promote a healthy lifestyle and shill one of their prescription medications to treat diabetes?
Color me unconvinced that the timing is simply coincidence.
Wait, Paula Deen has diabetes and just announced a partnership with Novo Nordisk to promote a healthy lifestyle and shill one of their prescription medications to treat diabetes?
Color me unconvinced that the timing is simply coincidence.
All I got to say about that Paula Dean thingy & having D is that I've had it for 38 years now and nobody offered me anf contract to talk about it. It's really up to her what she does now.
I just read where Paula Deen has been a T-2 for the past 3 years. I guess she just got the deal so she came out now. I frequently wondered how she skipped having T-2 with all the sugar and butter she uses in her cooking. I also wonder if her 2 sons are also T-2.
I was disgusted with her take on the whole thing. I loved the way she said she was embarassed about having Diabetes. Aren't we all trying to get the world to understand that this is NOT a stigma!!! Again, instead of modifying her recipes to be less fat filled and more nutritious, her words were "You can have them in moderation" What signal is being sent out about eating unhealthy?? Plus, she went on to discuss how she loves to drink sweet tea from noon until bedtime but now she will only be able to have a glass or go unsweet..I was never so bothered by this news..She could have been a great spokesperson for making healthier recipes!!! PS Did you hear Burger King will now deliver to your door in some cities?? Lovely!
jujube, I have never been a fan of Paula Deen. I find her recipes horrid, her voice grating and her fake southern "charm." What was worse was that video you mentioned. She's not my spokesperson and I wish she would just shut up and go away.
I've always been a fan of Paula Deen. Sad that she obviously has not sat down with an endocrinologist or dietician that knows how to select foods for diabetics. It's a "Southern thing," though, to ask friends instead of going to the horse's mouth. I've lived in AL since 1955. And please. Let us not confuse eating butter with eating foods loaded with carbohydrates. While eating a lot of butter might affect your heart, it does nothing to alter the blood glucose. I really hated to see her first recipe was lasagna. Lordie. I had a good friend who was diabetic, an RN, and didn't know what a complex carbohydrate was. We often had lunch together and after I learned a LOT, I noticed she covered her plate with rice. Something most southerners love. She had convinced herself that her diabetes was worse than anyone else's. Really. Another diabetic friend was congratulated himself over a recipe he and a friend had made into a good diabetic one. They had exchanged sugar for applesauce. ? So Paula is not alone. I just wish she'd learn how to eat before she starts giving out more misinformation than is already out there.
Yvonne, interesting you talk about butter (fat) as not a concern with Diabetes. According to my endocrinologist and dietician, fat and protein do play into how your body breaks down carbs and will cause a problem with bllod sugar levels.. So, I am just going to stick to the diet plan given to me that helps me count my fat, carbs and protein...And Brendan, I guess we didn't have much of a choice on this one BUT I still say we can vote her out of being our spokesperson!! PS Even Anthony Bourdain said she was a terrible person to be advertising Diabetes!!!