PDX Diabetes Expo Feb. 11, 2012

Portland Diabetes Expo is February 11th! I'm planning to be there to walk around & take it all in.

Please let me know if you are going too & would like to meet for a simultaneous glucose test! (just kidding!)

Truly, if any of you would like to say hi, I'd love to see you again or meet you. Jason, Virgil, & I met each other there 2 years ago! It really was fun & rewarding in a weird way. You won't know if you don't go!

Julie Ann

Happy New Year Julie Ann! It is great to hear from you. I am doing well, enjoying my insulin pump and I can really say “I’m enjoying life” too. This lil’ black machine (medtrinix insulin pump) is AWESOME! And they fixed my eyes. The only thing I can complain about is being poor, but that is just another thing they never told me about JDM/Type 1. Oh well, oh hell at least I can SEE 'em all now.

I’d love to explore that den of charlatans (a.k.a. the diabetes expo) in Feb. with you. I am on the job hunt now, as many are, but that is the only thing new with me.

I contacted you thru email/hotmail as well. I hope you are going as well as I think you are. I don’t know anyone who looks at this condtion likr you and me do.

Love and hopin’ you love life too,

Great to hear back from you Jason! Totally I'm going to Expo! I'll reply to your email soon too. :)


That sounds interesting. Does this expo have a website? What kind of topics is it going to discuss?

Stoyan, here's a link I found:
There are a lot of booths from vendors, organizations, medical groups, etc. there. There are also scheduled speakers, etc. who discuss a variety of topics. (I haven't really listened in on those.) It's fun to walk around and check it all out. It's free to attend. It is a great excuse to meet some fellow diabetics from tudiabetes, so it's definitely a social thing for me too. :)

Jason! I've been meaning to call and/or send an email! Life's been life and the Expo's almost here and I haven't called yet! I totally plan to go Saturday and want to meet up there! You've got my number. I'll send something SOON! Tomorrow's Thursday already! Crikey!