Portland Diabetes Expo is February 11th! I'm planning to be there to walk around & take it all in.
Please let me know if you are going too & would like to meet for a simultaneous glucose test! (just kidding!)
Truly, if any of you would like to say hi, I'd love to see you again or meet you. Jason, Virgil, & I met each other there 2 years ago! It really was fun & rewarding in a weird way. You won't know if you don't go!
Happy New Year Julie Ann! It is great to hear from you. I am doing well, enjoying my insulin pump and I can really say “I’m enjoying life” too. This lil’ black machine (medtrinix insulin pump) is AWESOME! And they fixed my eyes. The only thing I can complain about is being poor, but that is just another thing they never told me about JDM/Type 1. Oh well, oh hell at least I can SEE 'em all now.
I’d love to explore that den of charlatans (a.k.a. the diabetes expo) in Feb. with you. I am on the job hunt now, as many are, but that is the only thing new with me.
I contacted you thru email/hotmail as well. I hope you are going as well as I think you are. I don’t know anyone who looks at this condtion likr you and me do.
Stoyan, here's a link I found: http://www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/expo/upcoming-expos.html
There are a lot of booths from vendors, organizations, medical groups, etc. there. There are also scheduled speakers, etc. who discuss a variety of topics. (I haven't really listened in on those.) It's fun to walk around and check it all out. It's free to attend. It is a great excuse to meet some fellow diabetics from tudiabetes, so it's definitely a social thing for me too. :)
Jason! I've been meaning to call and/or send an email! Life's been life and the Expo's almost here and I haven't called yet! I totally plan to go Saturday and want to meet up there! You've got my number. I'll send something SOON! Tomorrow's Thursday already! Crikey!