I had my first pedicure three months ago, during a blizzard....I have to admit, my feet felt and looked great. It was the best pampering I had gotten in years, Okay, so now it's summer (or close) and I want to do it again, but my diabetic pedicurist is booked solid and I want to get my feet ready for summer. Does anyone know where a good source of information on doing your own pedis is? Do you do your own or let a professional do them? I'm not taking about diabetic foot care from a podiatrist, unless your doc does polish....I'm speaking of the pampering type of foot care,.
Also, along those lines, I have always been told that diabetics shouldn't wear sandals or open shoes in the summer or anytime for that matter. The potential for cuts, scrapes, etc is too high, So do you wear sandals?Do you have special shoes you wear as a diabetic? Special diabetic socks? I live in my sneakers with orthotics, have no sandals, but some days I admit I'd love to have a pair of nice sandals, sneakers don't dress up a dress any.
Give us your thoughts, summer's coming and it's time to get ready
In my case, the person that did my first one had been trained in what to look for; what to do for and with a person with diabetes as far as foot care, It wasn't a medical treatment and she didn't have a medical degree. But had received excellent training from a CDE and medical professionals on how to give a safe and good pedicure to diabetics.
I generally just do my own, with no special tools or treatments. I love to slather my feet in vaseline before bed and put socks on. Then my feet are nice and soft in the morning or when I finish my pedi. I also go barefoot or wear flip flops and sandals all summer long. I do check over my feet every night, but no problems that I haven't caught so far. I've had T1 for 34 years as of next week.
Not Quite Tim, but possibly. My gal doens't have diabetes, but got her start when her grandmother was diagnosed....grandma needed someone to do her tootsies, and Tara was it being a hairstylist who also does nails. BUT she wanted to make sure she did it right. So she got herself some additional training and understanding about diabetes, and how to do nails, what to look for as far as problems, and a bunch of business cards from the podiatrist in our area. But wouldn't it be nice if there was understanding in all the professions
I have gotten pro pedis in the past but then I noticed on the news that people had contracted hepatitis and or other diseases that way so I stopped. They also used to cause bleeding sometimes when doing my toes- no fun. I wouldn't recommend it and this was pre-D. I do all my own footcare. I usually wear socks with my sandals, a big no no, lol. I don't wear open toe shoes anymore really. You can wear the thin, skin color socks which will protect your feet a bit for that. I have never liked the feeling of dust etc. all over my feet/toes.
I just gave myself a diabetic pedicure today. I prefer to do my own because I know my tools are clean and have not been used on anyone else, I can check my own feet, and it costs nothing but time. I wear flip flops all year or at least whenever possible :)
I'm with you, I hate the feeling of dirt and sweat next to leather or plastic when I don't wear socks, And I feel like I am doubly protected with the socks and shoes. I also have my nails (hands) done, and my stylist has a separate baggie for each of her clients with our own tools in them. She replaces them once every three fills, she has seen what dirty tools do to hands, so feels the same way about pedis, although she is not the pedicurist that I use. As for her, she does the same thing, washes out the tubs and sanitizes them BEFORE each new client and when we are there; has a baggie with our tools and information in the bags also, a file of our meds, and doc numbers just incase. But if you can do your own, save the money and time.
I wear sandals, try to avoid thin soled ones, or plastic, and make sure they fit, and I haven’t had any problems with my feet. I do try to avoid styles that have straps between the toes though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one... that is good she does all of that. I have mostly always done my own foot/hand care and I don't wear nailpolish anymore due to the chemicals etc. If I want shiny nails I have a polishing kit which works well.