Pet peeves

I hate it when people dont close the doors to anything,leaving the kitchen cabinets ajar,leaving dresser drawers half open or closing them with all kinds of stuff hanging out,not closing the door behind them when they go out of the house, or slamming it or slamming the car doors or leaving the closet doors open,hummm,do I have a door problem?

When hubby has the inability to get his clothes in the laundry hamper. They get everywhere around the damn thing, but never in it!!! Just get up for once!!!

When my cat decides that she needs attention and walks in front of my laptop. I love her but Jeez, I am doing stuff.

  • People who brake before using their turn signals.

  • People in large vehicles who pull up to a stop you were already at in the next lane and pull too far forward blocking your view.

  • People who suddenly realize they’re in the wrong lane and need to turn soon and SLAM on their brakes stopping traffic, OR who will block a straight-only lane in an intersection, sitting there with their turn signals on.

  • Mixing up your / you’re, they’re / their / there on a regular basis. Typos and just not paying attention mistakes, I completely forgive. But the adults that truly don’t know the difference–RAWRG.

  • The misspelling of DEFINITELY. Just looking at definately, definatly, and defiantly (when used to mean definitely!) makes me insane.

  • Texting shorthand. U / ur – it’s two letters people!

  • Typing Every Word In A Post With A Capital Letter


Drivers who don’t use turn signals.

Drivers who don’t turn on their left turn signal until the light has changed from red to green.

I’m so with you about definitely. Drives me crazy! A good way to remember is that “finite” is its root.

well you know what they say, When one door closes, another one opens. :smiley:

AMEN to that one!!!

Drivers who go ten below the speed limit…Drives me crazy

Sounds like everyone would be happier if you didn’t have to drive!!

I don’t have a car. But I guess i still do get annoyed with people on public transportation. Like those people who stand in front of the bus or metro door trying to get on before letting people off!!!

*People who don’t know when to use “I” or “me.”

*When people use text talk in ordinary conversation…LOL!!! That one drives me crazy.

*Not flushing the toilet.

*Not replacing the toilet paper when you empty the roll.

*Public buses, don’t they have to abide by the local traffic laws?

*People who don’t slow down in school zones.

Trust me, I do smile a lot!!! Certain things just get to me, common sense things really.

People who want to turn left but are in the extreme right hand lane, 3 lanes across the road. And, people who want to turn right but are in the extreme left hand lane, 3 lanes across the road.

People who toss their cigarette butts on the ground
When my pharmacy runs out of my brand of test strip (I use enough that they should always be fully stocked)
A soda machine that’s out of Diet Coke.

People who think the right thing to do when getting off an escalator is to stop and stand still.

Restaurants with 8 different flavors of soda, only one of which is diet.

Unflushed toilets.

People who are habitually late (and unapologetic for it).

The cost of test strips.

Your’s does this too?

Mine will not hush until she has food in her bowl. Regardless if she wakes at 3 am or 8 am. There’s no sleeping in for her!

my own idiosyncrasies are my pet peeves :stuck_out_tongue:

I will let my feet freeze before I put on socks that don’t match
I hate when my sheets don’t match along with my pillow cases
But I never want to match my comforter to my sheets nor my curtains to anything else in fact direct color conflict is what I want in these things.
I hate patterns on fabric

I drive myself nuts not much of anything that anyone else does drives me nuts…I am sure I drive my DH nuts though since he cares nothing of the things I drive myself nuts for.

So I am peeved at myself :slight_smile:
be well and be loved

This thread is fun. I love reading all these; I agree with most and am guilty of a few (not changing the toilet paper roll XD)!

Some more:

  • People who don’t bother to park within the lines. Can’t believe I forgot this the first time around, as it’s near the top.

  • Windows updates that require you to restart.

  • Ridiculous web ads (such as the ones that show a fat stomach on one side and a thin version on the other…of an entirely different person).

How about when they flick a cigarette out of their window and it hits your car!!!???


The stomach one bugs me too. Plus, why don’t more photos of stomachs have a pump insertion set decorating them? When I contemplate my navel, that’s what I see!

Spitting in public.