PH alkaline and acid balance

Hello everyone
I’ve been making some changes to diet and lifestyle. I’ve been type 1 for 19 years but my changes really were based on my desire to clean my environment and just get healthy - living green, Non GMO, detoxing and getting back to green eating with a lot less animal protein. I am noticing the more I begin to alkalize the body the better my blood sugars are. For example if I use a small amount (1/4 tps) of red clay with a PH of 8.3 at meals my sugars magically stabilize with no extra insulin. Anyone else try or research the PH Miracle for Diabetes? Or try something similar?
Would love to hear anyone else’s findings…

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The body has a pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45. Your body maintains this level despite whatever you eat. WebMD suggests that these diets just plain don’t work. Your stomach has a pH of 3.5 so no matter what you eat it goes into a very, very acidic mixture. Some of these diets include good foods and these may be good for you, but it is unlikely that has to do anything with pH. Maybe others have a different experience.

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Agreed. Your kidneys and respiratory system are working constantly to keep your body at a normal pH. So even if the stomach acid didn’t take care of it, the other systems would. While the food in this diet may affect your body differently (even positively), it’s highly unlikely that it is doing anything significant to your pH. There’s a narrow window for pH and anything outside of that, including alkalosis, causes serious illness. Your body will do pretty much anything to avoid this.

Brian is 100% correct.

Rick Phillips

As others have suggested, hard to give much credence to the alkalinity explanation for why eating a little basic clay magically stabilizes your blood sugars. But if it really does, who cares why it works, keep eating that clay!

I add several things to my diet to help keep ph alkaline… I hadn’t heard that it helps with blood sugar levels, but I do know that pathogens and parasites don’t fare well in an alkaline environment. I use lemon water, and I add diatomaceous earth (high silica content is alkalizing and good for ligaments and bones) to my yogurt. I also make sure to keep the ratio of leafy greens and vegetables in my diet much higher than the amount of animal proteins that I eat.

Hi Ali4,

Can you recommend a brand of the clay you eat? I want to try this. I’ve been taking so little bolus insulin latley (2 units a day lately) and sometimes still go low! I may not need any for some of my snacks.

Agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with the first 3 responders! I would avoid anything involving pica.

What is pica?

Pica is an eating disorder where you eat non food things like dirt. I don’t agree with this whole Ph diet, but to call this pica or an eating disorder is a bit strange.

Pica is caused by nutritional deficiencies the body. They actually crave eating weird things like chalk or clay. I am using food grade dessert clay you can also look for bentonite clay. Think of “bad stuff” in your body to have a positive charge such as parasites, heavy metals, toxins, ect. and the clay having a negative charge. The clay pulls the bad stuff out in your GI. If you have ever used a clay mask it’s like that. It’s a very non invasive way to clean the body. I think as diabetics it’s super important to keep everything clean we have enough to worry about with extra sugar in the blood. Make things easier on the body and toxins are everywhere! My clay is from

Are you craving weird things? Do you believe that eating clay fixes nutritional deficiencies in your body?