Greetings tudiabetes Family!!
Like many of you I’ve been living most of my life with Type 1 diabetes. If you know anyone with this disease, you know how challenging it can be just to stay healthy. You’ve seen us take thousands of shots, draw daily blood tests, scrutinize our diet and physical activity…all while trying just to live normal lives.
Many of you have also seen the consequences of poor diabetes management, and you know that this disease can easily rob us of the quality of life that we sometimes take for granted.
This disease can happen randomly to anyone at any point in life, and there is no cure.
Please support me in Evolve’s 1st Annual spIN-a-thon with a donation to Insulindependence…a non-profit organization near and dear to my heart that teaches diabetics like myself simply how to live and enjoy life as it was intended.
This wonderful event is conducted by Evolve Health and Fitness owner and fellow Type-1 Heather Warren.
A healthy active lifestyle the closest thing many of us have to a cure, and any level of support you can offer is greatly and humbly appreciated.
Please click on the link below to help!!! Thank you!!