Pod Change Times?

How fast are your Pod changes? Does anyone keep track? I am a bit competitive even with myself so I have been trying to get into the minute range. Can't seem to break two.

And the insulin was because of a bad site.

Breaking the two minute barrier used to be my son's mission in life. It is possible. You have to start your pod change as soon as it changes minutes, and of course have already filled the pod that's waiting. But it is possible. Somewhere we posted my son's PDM when we finally did it! Good luck!

Here it is!


wow, that's a big file. sorry about that.

So I can have a filled Pod before I stop the old Pod?

Wow I wish those were my Basals

seeing as it typically takes ONE MINUTE or so for the niew pod to prime...how could you do that? Really?? you can deacivate, fill a new one, remove the old one, and start the new one up all in ONE minute? Thats amazing! I have a new goal!

One key is don't remove the old one until you have the new one going. Now I am wondering if you can do it in under a minute? 6:29p Pod Deactivated 6:29p Pod activated!

So you can fill a pod before deactivating the old one??

Yep. You can't fill a pod early indefinitely (meaning you don't fill a pod and carry it around with you as your spare :-)

You can fill the new pod and get your new site ready to go if you'd like. Then deactivate the old one, and start the new one in one swoop :-)

Why be in a hurry? It’s insulin, not oxygen… I just aim to do it right every time, and get good adhesion on my skin… I must admit that I am typically not in a hurry–for much of anything… :slight_smile:

LOL, I have to agree with you Erik!!! The same thing came to my mind when I was reading the post. I am never in a hurry, and would rather make sure everything is done properly...

It isn’t surgery and it can make Pod changes fun and challenging. I suppose it works for me. Always been one to try things faster, better, more efficient.

It isn’t surgery and it can make Pod changes fun and challenging. I suppose it works for me. Always been one to try things faster, better, more efficient.

Sorry, forgot to "follow" this conversation! Yes, we fill the new pod and basically hit the button to stop the old pod and then immediately the button to prime the next pod. But then you are just tied in to how long it takes to prime that thing.

Haha. Well those aren't his basals anymore - he's a growing boy and his basals are increasing pretty quickly now. : (

For us it's more because anything my son finds "fun" about diabetes is definitely something I'll encourage! Once we broke the 1 minute mark though, he hasn't had that goal anymore. It was fun while it lasted though.