I just had to blog and get this off my chest.Since I have been working in a motel as a Housekeeper my diabetes has been in poor control lately.Yesterday I had my breakfast as normal and did a temp basal of -50 at 830am.Normally this works for me but this time I went high to about 15.7mmol.So I did a correction at 1030 of what my pump sugested and as it turns out I crashed to 3.1 at lunch.I reduced my bolus at lunch and did a temp basal of -40 and I was 15.7 at supper.Oh BROTHER!!! I know I need to look at my numbers and basals.I think I have lost some weight so that can be part of the problem for my lows.I see my Educator on Thursday and my work shouldn’t be busy.Hopefully I can get some control back.This really distresses me
and I know I should be a little more relaxed as it doesn’t help matters.Any words of inspiration would be helpful.
I am also working on getting better control and I just have to take it a day at a time and try to do the best I can.
Don’t let it get you down.