Possible underlying DM, pregnant

Hello all! I am pregnant with my second and have a history of GDM with my first. First pregnancy I was well controlled with diet. I had an A1c checked about 6 months post delivery, which was normal. I’m now 11 weeks pregnant with #2 and had an early 2 hr (50g) glucose test which revealed a one hour reading of 196!!! I am freaking out that my baby will suffer due to this. I’m picking up my glucometer today and will be watching my sugars like a hawk. I guess I’m seeking some reassurance? Has anyone had high blood glucose levels their first trimester and baby came out ok with no issues?? I’m terrified my blood sugars were crazy this whole time and worried about birth defects. I’m also suspecting I am a true diabetic, whether type 1 or 2, I’m not sure. I plan to see an Endocrine doc ASAP. Any words of advice, encouragement, etc are appreciated.

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A dietitian would help you in a meal plan. Nancy50

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Thanks Nancy! I’ve met with one before and have implemented a diabetic diet and so far blood sugars are diet controlled. Thanks so much!

Great, and congratulations.

Nancy Matulis

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With my first pregnancy in 2010 ( unplanned) when I was 28, I checked my Fasting blood sugars and they were 165. Immediately I took 2 hr test and I was near 200, 3 hr test was around 160’s. And I was on Glyburide 2.5 MG 2x/ day from 20wks to 35/36 & then had to move to 5mg 1x/day up to 39 wks and was induced, ended up having C after a long labor. my daughter weighed 7.7lbs, chubby over all/ like baby fat but with no complications. Fast forward 9 yrs later now she is doing great, healthy, swims, plays tennis and takes advanced classes in her school. I know this was on the back of my mind Thru out my pregnancy, until she turned like 5. I even insisted on doing BG testing at her 5 yr physical. And Icing on the cake was it was an unplanned pregnancy and I pbbly had alcohol 2/3 wks after conception as I am unaware of pregnancy. Doctors said she can be All/none alcohol syndrome. It was extremely stressful and around 20wks Gestational Diabetes. All said and done individual results might be different and let’s hope for the best for you

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