Which number is more important, 1hr p.p. or 2 hr p.p.? I understand that you should not go over 140 at 1 hr and 120 at 2 hr. I’ve been experimenting with different foods and sometimes the 1 hr pp is over 140 but the 2 hr pp is 120 or under. Thanks!
Interesting - my endo doc says 180 after 1 hour and 140 after 2. That said, I’d shoot for your numbers,personally. He also doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in the 1 hour reading.
ADA goal is <180 1 hour after meal and <140 2 hours after meal…
Thank you. I was leaning towards paying attention to the 2 hr reading also. Thanks!
Dear Teresa.
If you can get down to 120 after 2 hours that is doing well. I sometimes check after 1 hour and inject more insulin if it looks like it is going to the moon. I think it is great if you can get to 120 after 2 hours.
The reaction between the hemoglobin and glucose to from the glycosilated hemoglobin this is the HA1c and this is probably a very harmful substance to the body. It is formed in a 2 step reaction and the first step is fast but reversible if the BG goes back down and the second step is final but very slow. So basically if your BG goes to the 180 for one hour and falls back to 120 I think the glycosilated hemoglobin may not form as much as if you would stay high for several hours. Of course there may be many other chemical reactions between the body and blood sugar and who knows if they are reversible.
My goal is to get down to 120 after the 2 hrs. Sometimes it happens (after lunch or dinner), sometimes not (breakfast and dealing with that darn dawn ph). I try to low carb it at breakfast, around 15 carbs and then allow more at breakfast and dinner. It seems if I have any snack between meals or at night that my numbers just won’t come down, so I’m really trying to limit them. Thanks for your input!
Yes breakfast is a time to low carb. Do not train yourself to eat before bed the diabetic body loves that idea because it insures it wont go low. But it is the worst thing you can do to gain weight and wake up with super high morning BG. Again if you cannot get done to 120 2 hours it is time for a small amount of insulin.
I really wouldn’t put any stock in the ADA numbers - they are soooooo far behind.
I think your Endo needs to update their numbers. Have you read Jenny Ruhl’s book - visited her website? That might be helpful.
Wow! Teresa, are you sure of your numbers? That’s great! I wish I could get down to 120 after 2 hours. I’m only on one-half pill of Metformin, once a day (in the a.m.). Maybe I should ask you what you eat.
Hi Barbie,
While my goal is 120 after 2 hours, I don’t always get there. I try to low carb at breakfast, around 15 carbs, mainly to battle dawn phenomenon. My morning number has been ranging from 120-130. I eat more carbs at lunch and dinner and let my numbers guide me, but I try to keep the carbs under 40. I also try not to snack between meals which is fine during the day, but very hard at night. Lately my numbers have been higher but I’m thinking it’s due to tax season. (I’m a tax accountant). Working so many hours, not sleeping enough and not always making the right choices eating is my undoing. I brown bag it to work but there is always something laying around. I cheated the other day and had a grapefruit cup. It was between that or a brownie. At 1 hour my sugar jumped from 110 to 180 at 1 hr. Next time I think I’ll go with the brownie instead! (Only kidding, but it’s tempting)