
Hi everyone
I need your help with this issue. I had my quarterly check up (type 2) two weeks ago and all my test came back within range with the exception of my Potassium at 5.2. My doc said the standard range is 3.5 to 5.0. With that being the case, she has me on a restricted Potassium Diet and retest within seven days. As a vegan it seems that most of the vegetables I eat are moderate to high in potassium. That would include soy products. The only thing new is diabetic supplements added within the last four months. I stopped those until I take the retest next week. Has anyone had an experience like this? Love to hear your thoughts.


Hi Jim
I feel so sure that I responded to this yesterday. I have a lot of experience in restricting potassium in my diet. It is extremely important that you not let your potassium level get any higher. I suggest completely removing things that are high in potassium like bread and potatoes from your diet until this has been corrected. Of course the obvious fruits and vegetables need to be very restricted or removed also When things are more back to normal I am sure the doctor will tell you to start slowly adding the fruits and vegetables back until you have things at normal consumption again. Good luck and be careful.

What is Soduim level ? Are you drinking enough water ? Both these can be factors. Water should help flush extra potassium out of your system.

Also squeezing a ball while drawing blood can cause an elevation in the blood sample;Any bruising or impact to a muscle could give these results. So can hard exercise before the stick can cause a fasle high reading . 5.2 isn’t all that unreasonable but I wouldn’t want to be higher.

Joe is right. I am lucky when I don’t drink tonnes of water each day my big toe starts to hurt as a reminder. I have to wash out uric acid also to avoid a gout attack.

My Sodium was130.
I run five to six days a week ( 45 min per run)and probably do not drink enough water during the day post run. Tea and diet pepsi addict during the day. I hope that is what is effecting the reading. Also, I recalled making fist pretty hard when they took blood from me. Get this, I was taking some supplements that contained Potassium as well.I did some reading and found out that is a no no when taking meds, like I do,for hypertension. I go back on Friday for a recheck. As a vegan i’ll starve not being able to eat most of vegts.
Thanks for your insights

Ha Saundra.

No, you did not dream it, I moved it. Thanks x2

Dear Jim. Hey for once yours and ours are in mmol/L in the same units. Sodium at 130 is at the low end of 133-145. My potassium is at 4.1 mmol/L I do sprinkle at bit of potassium from a product called no salt as I cannot eat patatoes or bread anymore.

I remember vaguely that there were medications that cause potassium retention. My brother because of hydrocephalus was actually potasium deficient and has to be put on a water restricted diet. Could also be nothing as the precision of the tests may not be that good but still good to keep an eye on things.

Hi Jim
It is not easy to flush potassium out of your body. Be sure not to use a salt substitute as they contain Potassium chloride. You can easily find a listing of foods on the internet that are listed as high in potassium, moderate and low in potassium The problem is that the best foods that you would be able to have are foods that are not on your diet. For me the flushing out of the uric acid for my gout is far easier than the potassium amd is not dangerous like the potassium is…
Jim I don’ wish to scare you about the potassium level where it is but it is very serious and anywhere over a 5 can move very rapidly. You need to be aware of your heartbeat all the time and any shortness of breath. If you feel like that just rest. If it doesn’t change, call your doctor and see what he wants you to do. What I mean for you to watch for is a rapid heart beat or a beat that is skipping. You can manage fine if you are careful and don’t consume any high potasssium foods. I will be happy to help if you wish or if you want anythihng more in depth I can do that too. I just don’t want to go over too much stuff and make anything confusing. I wish you well.


I appreciate your concern. I got a list low potassium foods from my doc and review them on line as well. Plus, I stopped taking the Diabetes Vitamin and supplements because saw that they had potassium. I cut out a several others foods too.

I am going to go for a retest on Wed and than see my doctor on Friday. I reviewed on my past check ups that I was 5.4 in 2007 9one time), but within standard every since until a few weeks ago. The only new thing i added was the supplements three months ago after I was taken off Diabetes. I will let you know how the test comes out .

Most of the newer blood pressure med are design to prevent the loss of potassuim since it was a big problem in the past. I’ve been controling my BP with hawthorn , juniper berries and celery.

I’m not a Vegan but I’ve been eating a ld. part raw food diet.

Hi Jim ;
Sandy was concern about your kidney function . I thought I would pass that along to you.

Your friend Joe