Sorry anybody to wrote to me without a reply back: I was away on a 4-day vacation and came back last night. I will be catching up very soon!
About the site: I just added a new “Pre-Diabetes Forum” category in the Forum section: several members have asked for it.
Also added a “Pre-diabetic” option in the first question you answer (the little survey) when you sign up. If this is you, and you chose something else for lack of the right option, you can go back to your “My Page” (I know… that sounds funny) and go to your profile, on the left side. Below all your answers, there will be an “Edit” option. Click on it and make any changes you may need to.
It’s good to be back, everyone! I can truly say I missed being around. I love a vacation but I wish I had had connectivity… I know, I am a dork!