I am about 8 weeks pregnant and have been super worried about my fluctuating blood sugars. I do not want to harm my baby in anyway and all the doctors and basically everyone on my high risk team is freaking me out. When I found out I was pregnant, my Ha1c was at 7.8. I know, I know, it’s not ideal but it was way better than what it was just 3 months before that it was at 10. Any positive words of encouragement are very highly appreciated. I have been having many highs and lows, but usually nothing over 300.
@Daniela_Martinez welcome to TuDiabetes! Congratulations on your pregnancy. And a HUGE high five on getting your A1c down.
I’ve had 3 successful pregnancies with D. You can do this. Please do not focus on the past. Only look forward to the future. My advice to you is this. Stay in very close communication with your endo and OB/GYN. Your body is going through a lot right now. Be prepared for several ups and downs with your blood sugars. You’re probably going to want to test A LOT throughout the day and night. I would set my alarm for 2am to check. If you have a partner to help you with this, I highly recommend you ask them to get involved. Keep quick carbs with you everywhere you go. You never know when baby is gonna need a little more from you than you planned. Low blood sugars are very likely to happen, especially in the first trimester.
Stay positive and get plenty of rest. I know, I know…everybody says that. But, it’s so true. You’re going to be just fine and so is that baby. Don’t beat yourself up when you happen to have a high or low. Just correct it and move on.
Hope this helps you. Take it from me, it’s worth every single minute of hard work when you see that beautiful baby for the first time.
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They really mean a lot to me right now especially since most people around me are being really negative about my pregnancy and constantly reminding me of all the horrible things that could happen. It puts me at ease to know that I am not alone in this and that there are others just like.me. I have had to carry more glucose tabs than usual with me because it has been a roller coaster. However, I feel like overall I do have a great high risk team that is really trying to help me have a healthy baby and pregnancy.
we’ve had many members here have healthy babies, including our Interim Exec Director here @Melissa_Lee - I encourage you to read and add comments to the many topics here
You are not alone here, and we strive for maintaining an encouraging and supportive space for all people touched by diabetes, it’s who we are.
I may be joining you soon. Got a +ve test today at dpo12. Still early days and remains to be seen if this one makes it. My previous successful pregnancy 4 years ago now I had high blood sugar from day 1. But these past 12 days my blood sugar had been very consistently low. … And getting lower ’ I have already reduced insulin about 40% from usual doses.
I just tested now after a big dinner and only 77. I have a banana and my test it by the bed in case.