About a month ago my receiver was asking for a calibration reading, when I input the reading I got a screen w/ an hourglass telling me to put in a another reading in an hour. I waited and did that, but it wouldn't calibrate and gave me the double hourglass symbol in the upper right. After continually entering in readings, the only way I could get it to calibrate was to enter a reading that was +20 higher than the actual reading or most recent reading it had given me. I gave me readings after that but the readings were always off and when it was calibration time, the only way it would calibrate was to give it a reading +20 or higher than the last reading it had. Finally I took it off and started another sensor (had to be on the same side of my stomach as I couldn't put it on the left side at time). After the two hour startup, go to enter the calibration and after entering the two readings, it gives me the hourglass thing again. I replaced it again and it did the same thing again at the initial two calibration readings. I left that one on until I could move it to the other side of my stomach and there I had no problems. I was moving the location around on that side, even with the limited real estate I have since I'm kind of small.
So this morning I wake up, G4 says my BG is 154, I test and it's actually 82, tested again to make sure and got 85. Enter the reading into the G4 and once again the hourglass thing. I didn't even bother playing with it at the time, went back to sleep. Woke up and checked BG later and I was at 96, entered the reading into the G4, nothing, until I entered a reading +20 higher than the 120 it was starting with. I can't move it to the other side again because my Omnipod is there.
Just want to see it anybody else has experienced this, has any solutions or should I just call Dexcom? I got a new transmitter and receiver about 3 months ago. Seems like it's a sensor problem, since it won't calibrate but it only happens on the right side of my stomach:(
No, I have not experienced anything like this at all.
Could it be the transmitter ... when was the last time you changed your transmitter?
Is the battery fully charged?
I'd call Dexcom, especially if there is a full charge on the battery and if the transmitter is new or even older. You may find you need a new transmitter.
Edited to add: Sorry, I just read through your post again and saw where you got a new transmitter about three months ago. I'd call and ask Dexcom about it; it could even be a receiver issue. Best of luck to you!
Also, there's been MANY threads on here about alternate (non-FDA approved) placements of the sensors. I use ONLY my arms (outside of bicep on both sides) and have great readings there. Other folks use thighs, etc. You could always give that a go after investigating with Dexcom. In any case, good luck.
I've seen the threads about alternate sites, but have been afraid to try them out. I also put the Omnipod on the backs of my arms, tricep area. Can you actually do the insertion of the Dexcom on the outside of your bicep without help?
Looks like this is just something weird happening with me, looks like I'll have to call Dexcom.
So I called Dexcom and because today was 'day 7' of the sensor I had in, they won't send me a replacement. They're trying to claim it's happening 'because the sensor is reaching the end of it's life'. Personally I've never been able to get more than 10 days out of a sensor before it starts giving me ??? etc, but I've seen posts on here where people claim to get 3 weeks!
They recommended putting in a new sensor and if I still have problems to call back...
When I finish lunch, guess I'll put on a new one and see what happens.
Easily. I put it sideways, about mid-bicep (some do it vertically there to use gravity to get the insertion device off more easily, but that's not an issue for me) -- right about where a t-shirt ends (yes, mine peek out from under my t-shirts a bit, but that's okay by me, though I understand other folks might not like this at all). The most challenging bit is getting the insertion device off with only one hand, but after just once or twice, you'll be a real pro at it like I am now. Takes me all of 8 seconds or so to swap in a new sensor (practice makes perfect).
I cover it completely with hypafix tape and will use some skintac on the hypafix as needed. I think most of the problem with them giving out is with it getting pulled on, but maybe some people develop scar tissue or something. I'm getting a month fairly easily without any issues, and by then I just want to move it.
Well, it appears that the problem was not the G4 at all. For the past few months I had been using Freestyle Lite test strips in my Omnipod and apparently in the last few weeks the readings went completely out of whack. I checked my blood sugar with another meter and the Omnipod was a good 70 points below. Once I calibrated using the readings from the One Touch meter, the G4 was fine. I got regular Freestyle test strips from the pharmacy so hopefully everything stays ok going forward.
Thanks for the update Mark. Please let us know if the regular Freestyle test strips fix the problem. I just started with G4 Wednesday and plan on starting with Omnipod in a week so I want to make sure I don't encounter the same problem. 48 hours on G4 and it's great! Wish I would have done it sooner.
Everything seems fine using the 'regular' Freestyle strips so far.
But I did see a post on the Omnipod forums that there was a recall of Freestyle & Freestyle Lite test strips for reading far below what they should be. The lot #'s I had of Freestyle Lite's weren't on the list, but I'm going to call Abbott and report the lot I had as well.
Hello - I talked to one of the people at Dexcom about this and they simply said that if you get that message 2 times in a row then it's most likely definitely not going to work and to call them.
I have another question about Dexcom. Lately - the last one to two months, my Dex works fine except when I go high. I usually run between 70 and 100 and if I get to 196, I get the ???. I enter blood sugars but it won't work until I'm back to my normal levels and then comes on. Has anyone heard of this? I'm really wondering why after this many sensors. Is my G4 past it's life limit? By the way, what are the signs the G4 is dying?
You're not supposed to try and calibrate it or give it readings when it shows the ???. When I get ???, it usually comes back when I hit extremes, either low or high, then it starts picking up readings again. The ??? only last a short time, if it's more than 3 hours of ???, you should change the sensor.
The transmitter only has a 6 months warranty. If you're getting a lot of ???, wildly off readings, out of range symbols when you're not out of range, it might be time for a new transmitter.