They will supply you with another comparable infusion set until they get the one that’s back ordered. Calm down.
Yes, Tandem has confirmed that the issue is with the manufacturer, which is Unomedical. They have also since confirmed to me that they are hoping to have it back in stock by 2022, although they did say they couldn’t promise that.
I think it’s reasonable for people to be upset when they are caught off guard and given conflicting information. And what’s “comparable” for one person may not work well for another.
I’m sorry that they got rid of the tubing length that worked for you! What seems like a minor change to some people really does have an impact on other people who found something specific that worked for them. Shorter tubing lengths are especially a problem with Tandem too, since the pump has to be within a certain distance of the Dexcom transmitter to work. If the pump needs to be close to the Dexcom, with shorter tubing that means your infusion set also has to be within a certain distance too! Eliminates options.
I’m glad Omnipod works well for you. It did not work for me. Neither did Medtronic. It’s a disservice to all of us when an option, whether it be a pump (like Animas), or an infusion set or tubing length is taken away. Our control becomes more limited every time our options are reduced. Fortunately, it sounds like this specific infusion set issue may be temporary.
I only found out about the change because I called in to see when my next order of supplies was due to be processed and shipped out-they were late last time. I was told “oh the XC infusion sets are on backorder, the Autosoft 90 will be substituted.” I ordered an extra 10 pack of pump supplies on cash pay because they can’t seem to process the autoship on time…good thing I did because the autoship is now a week late, but I got the extra ones I paid for very quickly.
They came with the Autosoft 90 which uses the same inserter. The connecter piece is definitely more fiddly to connect/disconnect than the XC but I haven’t had any issues using it over the past week. I don’t have sensitive skin so no issues with adhesive reaction.
I was pointing out that the TSLIM would provide replacements which to me says TSlim isn’t trying to kill the OP. Unfortunately medical suppliers go out of business or are forced to make changes to their medical supplies. Freaking out is bad for our blood sugar. Yes, it can be annoying and frustrating. We have to keep calm and get innovative.
The most life threatening thing to T1s is not getting enough insulin to cover themselves every day.
I got my auto-ship last week, on time, with 6mm XCs. Hoping things improve by time my next order in 3 months. May be different backlog on other size XCs.
Hear! Hear! 23 inches is shorter than an arm length for me. Holding the pump in my hand, I can easily pull out the infusion set with the wrong move. If it’s the hand on the opposite side form where the set is inserted, it is hard to NOT pull it out!
My point was simply that I think a lot of people get told what to use without much choice, and aren’t given the opportunity to figure out what’s best for them… So the “popular” statistics on what’s getting used most shouldn’t be trusted. In retrospect, it’s obvious that initial guy I talked to on the phone had no clue what he was talking about, and obviously never wore a pump or infusion set. He only knew the initial setup he was instructed to give people. I figured that’s what my DME supplier had stocked in bulk. And it’s a catch 22, because that’s what people keep ordering en mass.
Personally, I do think 23 inches is perfect. But I’m only five foot tall! It’s pure coincidence that person gave me a decent recommendation. He didn’t know I was short. If my set is on my thigh, it leaves me just enough tubing plus a few inches of wiggle room to get up to where my pump lives on my chest. I definitely wouldn’t want any longer than that when the infusion set is really close by, like on my arm. But I can’t imagine 23 inches being appropriate for most full-sized adults… Unless maybe if they always wore infusion sets in their abdomen and always wore the pump on their waistband. It’s just not very long at all and wouldn’t give any flexibility in site placement.
I use the 23" set and I am almost 6’2" they are doable but not ideal. I guess I could go to 43 inch sets but that’s just too much tubing to get tangled up in, especially around door knobs and such. When I used Medtronic I bought my sets with 32" tubing, they were plenty long for my tall frame but not so long that my pump could hit the floor if I dropped it, a problem I had with 43 inch tubing.
Tandem does not produce the set I use in a 32 inch tubing size so I make do with 23’s
Same here. Was bummed they didn’t have 32 in for the cannula size I wanted for XCs, so also using 23s.
I need my pump to hit the floor before my butt hits the seat. 23" means my butt is only half way down and I am pretty sure that has led to mid flight yank syndrome. Or MFY syndrome.
Do you suffer from the awful effects of MFY? Please call your congressman and demand an investigation into this man made and catastrophic syndrome.
Cure MFY today write to:
MFY Foundation of America
PO Box 1218
Iowa, 52912
Send $25 for more solicitations
MFY its worse than you think.
I like the 23” sets. If I drop my pump it won’t hit the toilet water.
It will also not hit the ground.
I really hate winding up the tubing.
I’m 6’3 and I don’t see what extra long tubing will do for me.
I think I’ll be happy when we get the patch pump from tandem.
The Omni pod is doable except the sets are all 90 degrees and there is no algorithm for controlling it outside of dyi.
The patch pump will have the best of both worlds in my opinion. Phone control, options for infusion sets. Small and stuck to the site. So although there is a couple inches of tubing it’s more like a tubeless pump.
I wish it would get here already
23 inches is perfect for someone like me 5’2". If I have the longer tubing, I drop the pump on the floor, constantly. If I were 6’ or taller, I agree with you.
They probably include kids in the “most common size” category.
You poor men (and taller women)!
The attachment part of tubing to part going into body, is the same for Varisoft and TruSteel. Coming from Animas and a 43" tubing, I hated the both the 23" and 32". So, as I change sites every two days, and redo cartridge every 6 days, I use a 43"Varisoft for one round and then insert a TruSteel inset for the next two changes. Voila’, 43" tubing with TreSteel. I have quite a collection of 32" tubings.