My name is Tracy and I’m new to tudiabetes, but am looking for some input.
I am currently trying to decide which features of the different pumps may work best for my current diabetes needs. This month, it has been two full years since I decided to take a pump break and have been back on MDI. It was the right decision for me, at the time, and I know going back on a pump is right for me now. However, I have no clue which pump would work best for me currently.
I was diagnosed with type 1, 10 1/2 years and after a year of adjusting and using MDI began to pump with a Medtronic paradigm. I loved that pumping experience, but I look back wondering how much of that love was the new freedom it allowed me, which as a college freshman was central to my lifestyle. During that warranty, I upgraded to the Revel and tried out the CGM. I did not like the CGM at all, I think I lasted 2-3 months before I gave up on it. So, when that warranty ended I opted to switch to the Animas OneTouch Ping. I like it, at first, but missed a certain quality of my Medtronic experience. After a little over 3 years of the 4 year warranty passed, I decided to take a pump break to see if it would help some of my feelings of eh about that pump experience. Two main reasons for my break, not related directly to the specific pump, was that I wanted the freedom to wear what I wanted without planning pockets and I was sick of catching my tubing on things or yanking it out. That break extended from the planned 3 months to the current 2 years.
Last spring, I ended up in the hospital for the first time since my dx with a DKA. Mostly related to burnout, poor consistency with insulin doses, and issues with various prescriptions and insurance coverage. I would purposely test less because I was running low on strips and was anxious about the coverage for my next shipment. After switching my endocrinologist and clinic, I was able to take a proactive stance once again. Last September, I started using the Dexcom G5 alongside my MDI and have seen great improvements, but I still feel the lack of consistency and fine-tooth management that a pump can provide, which leaves me where I am today.
Tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with a CDE at my clinic to discuss pump options and get the insurance ball rolling.
Currently, I am considering the Omnipod for the sake of avoid tubing issues, the Medtronic 630g for the sake of returning to a company I had a good experience with, and the Tandem tslim X2 for multiple features including the future connectivity with my G5. If anyone has any stories or suggestions related to these pumps, I would love to hear them.