For a variety of reasons, I need time away from my pump. I’ve been on it for about 11 months now and I still can’t say that the switchover was worth it.
It has improved control in some areas of diabetes living, but almost every time I put in a new infusion set, my sugars shoot up a LOT! My body is pretty non-responsive to the insulin going through for the first 4-8 hours. I’ve been able to keep this under control (ish) by changing sets at night time, but they always rise.
[I’ve researched this a LOT, so please don’t suggest things unless you have a brilliant suggestion. These are the things already checked: I’ve tried every variety of infusion set and length. The problem is minimized by metal infusion sets, but not eliminated. It’s not the insulin itself. It is not scar tissue, unless my entire body is covered in scar tissue - I rotate all around my body, arms, back, legs, stomach, bum. Some areas are better than others, but none are prefect. The pump has been troubleshooted - it works. The insulin is going in, I just don’t know what is happening to it once it is in there.]
In conclusion, until I can find an endocrinologist that can solve this problem, pumping = highs every few days. Those highs = higher A1C. Since starting on the pump, my A1C has risen to 8.4 - completely unacceptable.
Either way, I’ve decided I’m going to go off the pump for a few months so I can see how things go. I’ve learned a lot about insulin and the body since becoming a pumper, I hope that I’ll be able to make improvements in my MDI-ing.
What I AM looking for are suggestions about the practicalities about switching between pumping and MDI.
I worked hard to refine my basals. I always thought that my Lantus worked pretty damned well before pumping, but now I’m wondering if my bgs are going to be all over the place because of it.
I’m looking forward to being untethered. Everyone told me that I would get used to having the pump attached 24-7, but I sure haven’t. It makes me restless at night, I hate things in my pockets. Not that I was ignorant of my condition while on MDI, but I could actually have a moment of the day that wasn’t regarding diabetes.
Does anyone else find that - I remember on MDI, I would have periods of hours where I wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t take insulin, and my sugars were fine. People told me that was the main benefit of the pump - you could do precisely that… but you can’t. You can’t just let it be - you can feel the pump in your pocket, it’s always there!
Wow, apparently this post was less about wanting advice, and more about passionately needing to free myself from my pump.
Does anyone else’s pump make them sad on a fundamental level, not just frustrations here and there?