What is the brand of your CGM?
O yes we can be Dave , trust me, please …I think the scratchy throat ( upcoming cold ??) could play havoc with my BG’s …would not be surprised …but then it is well over 2 years ago I had a cold …bad timing however , since I plan to complete the 1/2 M coming Sunday …early to bed , gargle with salt H2O …the treatment of the day . By the way , I think I am cured …just looked at my sensor :reading 5.4 ( x 18 ) , hurah …apologies to you Michael for adding my nonesense on your discussion !
Ok, now that the initial stuff is out of our systems:
Practicality of an Insulin Pump Vacation!!!
I did before and will be taking my Lantus once daily at 11pm. How much earlier should I stop the pump so I’m not double dosing? Should I take an earlier initial Lantus shot so I make sure sugars are ok before going to bed. Don’t worry, I’ll do a middle of the night check to be safe!
What to do with the pump while it’s not in use? If I take the battery out, will it forget all my information? Is it bad for the pump to leave it with the power on? Is there a setting for that? (Paradigm 722)
Michael ,
1 suggest to check with your health team
2 ) suggest to check with Medtronic ( Canadian or US site )
This is information I have on : " Being off pump " , while using Lantus :
Take Lantus once daily . Calculate the total daily basal amount of insulin and take as one dose of Lantus at bedtime or in the morning and then every 24 hours .During the day , take rapid -acting insulin before your meals to cover the carbs and correction .
When you are ready to go back on the pump , you should not have your pump deliver basal insulin until 24 hours after the last Lantus dose . If you want to wear your pump earlier, use the pump for your food and correction boluses, but a temporary basal rate of 0.0 unit/hour until 24 hours after the last dose of Lantus .
Take care.
Hi Michael:
Don’t forget to click on Scott Strumello’s name as MarieB suggested in her reply to you on the 1st page in this discussion. Or click on Add as Friend on his page and send him a private message with your questions. If you haven’t already. He has been off the pump for some time and is an intelligent, experienced and well-read Fellow.
I think I mentioned that I used Lantus twice a day like many. It works Better for us that way. Not sure about Levemir since I haven’t tried it. YW again. Good Luck again.
Hmmm Harley’s. The bottom of the barrel. j/k My youngest Brother(Type 1) loved his Harleys and GM trucks. We’ve had Kawasaki and Suzukis. My Hubby was in a Bad bike accident last summer(his 2nd). Not bad for 20 years riding. I was not aboard for either accident. Knievel had tons of accidents and died of cancer, I think. He had Diabetes also. Interesting that his Son Robby has been doing stunts also.
Congrats on getting your A1c down. Good to hear. I was 5.9 only once in my Life that I am aware of. Yes, it was hard work. I’m Happy with any number like 6.5 and low 6’s.
(Sorry Michael for side-tracking your discussion.)
Hey everyone,
Just a little update:
The last three infusion sets I used were the Sure-T’s. While they didn’t provide the magical cure I was hoping for ( not really), they were more comfortable, and there’s much less redness after I take them out. Anyway, a bunch of things combined this weekend into not-so-hot control. Basically, I’m stressed and I want my security blanket - which is decidedly not the pump.
I had decided that today was the day - and I just took the injection 10 minutes ago. In about an hour and a half, I’m going to take the pump off and hide it in a drawer where I don’t need to look at it. For a day… Once the Lantus is back in my system full-gear, I’m going to take it out again so I can hook up my CGM.
[I’d been wearing the CGM over the last week - reminding me of how frustrating calculating basals was for the pump in the first place. You might see a trend one day, but it’s not present the next day, and then when you switch the infusion set, there’s a whole new whack of trends that are once again, not fully realized. But enough complaining…]
It felt good to use an old-fashioned syringe again! And excuse the double-entendre, but it had been far too long since I last took it in the butt! Seriously though, the part of your bottom that you sit on is not appropriate for an infusion site, but it’s great real-estate for regular injections!
I am very excited to sleep without a contraption in my pocket.
I’ll be up working for at least another few hours, so I’ll keep an eye on how the pump-to Lantus switchover is going and I also plan to do an overnight test.
Anyway, wish me luck everyone, I’ll keep you up-to-date on how things are going!
Good luck Michael!
I’m not ready to give up, but too have felt at times that I just want to rip the thing out and toss it aside. LOL
It can be cumbersome being attached to a device 24/7.
I too have highs that tend to last hours after an inset change.
I also feel like a total failure when I hear about everyone’s total success, love of the device and having A1C’s in the 6’s or better.
What’s wrong with me? :(. But I am hanging in there and not ready to go back.
Do what feels right for you cause you have to live it everyday. Hang in there and my best wishes for success in your continued journey .
2 things:
- I have recently found out that omnipod was given a license to sell in canada back in september and i just heard that they are planning to be available here sometime in 2010. there is a discussion about this in the canada diabetes group.
- i was reading about something (maybe on this site somewhere, maybe on another) called split basal dosing where one uses a lantus injection for their basal insulin or half of their basal insulin and use the pump for bolusing. by doing half their basal with lantus and half with the pump, sugars won’t shoot way up if the pump gets kinked or something. This could maybe help you with your spike in BG that first day…
If lantus was used for all of basal i am not sure what advantage the pump would have over MDI except that you wouldn’t be injecting, just pushing buttons. Aslo if one was doing their whole basal dose through lantus, one could disconnect the pump and prance around naked (or almost naked as the infusion set would cover a small area:) I think i read about this here in the group for lantus users.
Look up “The Untethered Regimen” on Google. It was invented by Dr. Edelman. You take your boluses through the pump, but use Lantus.