Question for the Ladies: Do you experience higher BG before and during your "monthly visitor"

I am so confused…every month my BG will be right on track and I’ll be feeling good but then the few days before my “monthly visitor” and the few days after starting I have higher BG readings. Anyone else experience this? Is this normal? It’s very frustrating!

Every month I have highr BG readings a few days before and during my friend. It is totally normal from what I understand due to hormonal changes.

I usually have higher BGs for up to a week or so before. I usually take more basal insulin during that time Once I get my period, my regular basil insulin seems to work OK, but I become very sensitive to fast acting insulin, so I tend to go low more.

From what I understand it’s very normal to need more insulin before and sometimes during, according to my CDEs. Good luck figuring out what your pattern is!

(Not a female) but the hormones produced days before menses will cause a change in insulin effectiveness. This is because of the fact that over 90% of those hormones are insulin resistant, and you will have to adjust your basal insulin due to this. I know some women that need up to 2x their normal basal rates (in extreme circumstances) to help get BG under control just before they start. Hopefully that gives some insight…

yes, and of course I’m not on insulin, so it means I have to cut back on carbs and increase exercise just exactly when I least feel like it.

I have higher BG readings then as well- not every month though. I just see how things are going month by month.

I was always just the oppiset I went way lower. Menapouse can be a good thing! LOL!

For me this happens sometimes. I find that my readings are higher for the week before starting then once it starts they go back to a low normal provided that I maintain low carb and excercise but sometimes I just have to have hagen-daz mayan chocolate ice cream at that time and then they are high.

Yes! I’m experiencing this right now, even though I’m towards the end of my cycle. I don’t usually go above 200 for any reason, but for this particular week, I’ve been getting spikes before lunch and dinner. Then again, I was recently diagnosed in May so I’m not sure if this will become a pattern for not. Hershey bars are hard to avoid during this particular week…so that may be causing a spike as well. Carrots and hummus could never replace that craving. Ever. Well, I’m pretty positive.


I get the craving for chocolate too, I found a handful of yogurt covered raisins helps.They have vanilla and chocolate flavored ones.Or if i really need chocolate a handful of the mini m&m’s .A whole tube of those is 37 carbs so a 1/3 to 1/4 of a tube of those is usually enough to curb my craving with out shooting me sky high.

Ewwwwwwwwww!!! Just kidding LOL

yep- and I’m sure it doesn’t help that all I want to do that week is EAT!

lol totally… (If my wife knew I was writing that she’d probably cut me off for a week eeeeeek!!!)

I am so glad I am a guy!!! I don’t want strange things happening to my nether regions every month!! LOL

Ahhhh But I do love those female nether regions all other weeks though…Wait, can I say that here? I feel like a 1000 pair of eyes staring at me all of a sudden!! Peace, Im out!!

Too soon to tell the pattern (have only been on insulin for less than 2 months), but I can tell you the day before and week of, BG drops precipitously.

I’d say “nether regions” are not the problem, it’s just having female biology in all its complexity that’s hardest to understand, and I’m stating this with a sense of frustration even though I am a woman. Figuring out how to “work” the insulin angle is that much more of a task, like just when you’re trying to ignore all that biology for the sake of doing more interesting things with your time and mind, you have to get deep into it to avoid passing out. Argh.

My wife just said men have PMS…Oh that’s all I need. Does anyone have a 5 gallon bucket of chocolate ice cream?

Yeppers! I eat the same thing for breakfast all the time but during my period, the two hour number will be higher. It seems to happen when mine starts and not before.

Yeah, in my 30 years of blood, pain and torture - I have been lead to believe that most men wouldn’t be able to handle it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for all of the good feedback I knew it was more than a coincidence. Thanks a lot guys! :slight_smile:

Do any of you by any chance have this same problem around the time of ovulation??
I was just diagnosed with type 2 seven months ago and am trying to figure out this pattern…