Question that you may not be able to answer

Shred it all. Cross-cut shredder.
If it has a name or number it goes through the shredder.

Good luck for anybody digging through my trash.


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I feed my shredded papers to my worm farm.

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I got one-upped. Nice…
I think you win.

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I think there’s a sci-fi movie plot in there some place.

Like this -

There’s a certain vibration that the worms give off when they are digesting different parts of the letters and numbers. recording the vibrations let’s you come up with a set of complete, but seemingly random letters and numbers, but using the social networking computing power of the players of games like Candy Crush (with a hidden algorithm, of course), you can reconstruct the shredded documents …


LOL, YogaO. Add one stolen chinese operating system and It ALL makes sense…on paper. My BG low…gotta go.