EMR (Electronic Medical Records)

How many of you actually read your EMR's? I am finding major errors in my reports that need correcting. Is that true for you too and if so, how did you go about getting it changed.

After my yearly physical, my PCP (my endo is so not interested in EMR and it really irritates me) uploads his report to a secure website. I then download it into a small disc that I carry all the time.

I do read them and have found glaring errors such as "is a Type 2 diabetic," when I have been type 1 for 50 years. I call and insist changes are made and new uploads are completed. I especially compare hard copies of test results, as those will be most useful.

Honestly, no one cares. I have offered the disc at ERs, new docs, etc and they look at me like I have totally lost my mind. It is 2013. Docs need to get with the EMR program NOW!

I think a lot of docs go with "SOAP" subjective complaints, objective exam findings, assessment and then a plan. Reviewing medical records isn't a big part of their plan. "History" is a little box on a lot of record sheets. Which is sort of odd for us as, even when I've had other stuff (surgery, face plants, etc...) I'm more interested in my BG/ A1C than stitches, recovery, etc.

@Spock, call me crazy but, this actually scares me. If they can make simple errors in our charts how many other errors will they make in our care!

@acidrock23, I'm not only talking about history but, the listing of medications also. Some medications are no big deal but, others are major.

They also have diagnosis of things that I've never had. I wonder sometimes if they have MY chart and not someone elses. Believe it or not, that's happened before!

I have never been concerned about getting some old records changed, I'm just concerned about what is going to happen next. My medical records have been on a computer system for over 10 years. I would say that 99.9% percent of the info is accurate. I have many different doctors and under no circumstances do they use my old medical records for new treatment and always test and use fresh data when making any kind of change. I have seen some errors in billing codes but this does not surprise me or put me at risk...

Everytime I go to a doctor they revue all of my meds with me one by one and at the end of the visit they even supply me with a printout of all current meds including any changes, the doctor will not speak to me until his assistant has reviewed my records for accuracy and verified I am who I am...This is policy for all UTSW clinics and hospitals.

Call me OCD but, I want my records to be 100% accurate! LOL
Also, having wrong billing codes could cause delays in getting prescriptions filled and paid by insurance.

I share your concerns with these types of errors, Sportster. Most of my doctors are with the same clinic, which just went to electronic records a few months ago. At first I was really excited because my old paper chart was about 4 inches thick and I was excited to be able to check test results online instead of waiting for the phone call.

The first couple of visits I had with doctors at the clinic, the nurse asked the usual questions about meds and medical history and typed the information into my file while I sat there. It wasn't until I left and was checking out the online system that I saw all the mistakes she made with my medical history.

Then one of my doctors had to phone in a prescription change for me. My last visit to the clinic I noticed that my medication list is showing that particular medication twice - one at the old dosage level and one at the new dosage level. So I thought...ok so if I end up unconcious and can't tell them which dose I'm actually taking, then what?

I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting it corrected my next appointment in a couple of weeks. To me it sort of defeats the purpose of having this great technology if you enter junk into it... junk in, junk out. Especially when you have multiple doctors sharing and using this data.

Hi smileandnod, yeah, those big 4" thick paper charts are gone forever! I had to laugh because I used to make a comment to myself when I would see my big 4" thick chart! LOL

I used to love it when the doctor had to walk out of the exam room for a few short minutes and she would leave my chart on the table. It gave me a chance to sneak a peek into my records (like I was a kid doing something wrong). Some people never grow up you know! haha