I am starting to work hard at getting back on track after a long case of diabetes burnout coupled with diabulimia. It's definitely not easy... I had an appointment with my CDE this morning, so with all of that, I have some random questions that I thought I would put here. Feel free to answer one, a couple or all!
1. Has anyone taken a pump vacation? Would you recommend it?
2. Which pump would you recommend between Medtronic and Animas?
3. Does your significant other understand all aspects of diabetes? How did you teach them? Were they interested in learning?
4. Would you recommend a CGM? Which one?
5. Any tips or tricks for not getting so overwhelmed?
And let's not make this all about diabetes.. SMILE, it's Remy! :) :
1. Has anyone taken a pump vacation? Would you recommend it? I have taken a pump vacation. I think the recommendations are broad because everyone has their own reason for taking time off from pumping. When I took my vacation my control changed, it wasn't as tight and I was unable to control the amount of insulin delivered to my body during exercise and sick days. It made control difficult, I wouldn't recommend it for someone like me.
2. Which pump would you recommend between Medtronic and Animas?
Medtronic Minimed 523/723 with integrated CGM
3. Does your significant other understand all aspects of diabetes? How did you teach them? Were they interested in learning?
My significant other was highly interested, he learned as we went on. I taught him about highs and lows and what to do if I'm unable to take care of myself. However, because I have great control, he hardly ever has to do anything. I recommend getting great control before getting into a serious relationship because the stress of diabetes can run them away.My idea is that I take care of myself for myself as well as for him.
4. Would you recommend a CGM? Which one?
Since I have Medtronic Minimed I have the integrated CGM and it works well.
5. Any tips or tricks for not getting so overwhelmed?
My tip is that having type 1 diabetes is a life long sentence so there is no room for getting overwhelmed! I mean that in the most honest way possible! Controlling basal rates, boluses, counting carbs, excesive blood glucose testing, highs and lows its a lot to deal with. Since you're trying to take control again over your diabetes it may be hard but you can do it.
What a happy dog! It think you answered #5 with your last sentence. It's not all about diabetes, and the key to not getting overwhelmed is to enjoy all other parts of your life! And a lot of support from friends, loved ones and those who understand can't hurt either!
1. Has anyone taken a pump vacation? Would you recommend it?
I wouldn't recommend it. To me, the pump does some of the work for me and I want to do as little work as possible. I had some weird numbers last fall and considered it was scar tissue/ pump burnout or something but just tried some new sites for a while and it went away.
2. Which pump would you recommend between Medtronic and Animas? I like Medtronic too. I've been very pleased with the results and performance and like the pump/ CGM in one gizmo.
3. Does your significant other understand all aspects of diabetes?
How did you teach them? Were they interested in learning? MrsAcidRock is very sharp and perceptive but doesn't totally understand. She is limited in her understanding but I think that's b/c she understands that it's my row to hoe.
4. Would you recommend a CGM? Which one?
Medtronic has worked great for me. I have read that a lot of people like the Dexcom more but I get accurate results from the Medtronic. I'll come home at 90BG, have a glass of skim milk before I run like 3 miles and the CGM gives me a "predicted high" alert about a mile into it and a "predicted low" alert as I get close to home and the skim milk burns off.
5. Any tips or tricks for not getting so overwhelmed?
My tip is to have hobbies or other interests. I had uh, quite a few wild years of partying my brains out, strobe lights, rock bands, etc. that, nonetheless, I wanted to enjoy MORE of so I kept my BG ok. Then I had a few years of sort of reading as a hobby, which wasn't quite engaging enough. After that, I started working out and it was great motivation. I don't want my BG to screw up a workout which helps my BG and so on and so on, sort of a circular fun. Not maybe for everybody but I think that any activity you want to do well at can inspire you to keep your BG in line.
1. Has anyone taken a pump vacation? Would you recommend it? I have never done it, but if you want to do it for your sanity, then do it. 2. Which pump would you recommend between Medtronic and Animas? I have only used medtronic and I have been very happy with my paradigm. 3. Does your significant other understand all aspects of diabetes? How did you teach them? Were they interested in learning? I don't think anyone who is not a T1 fully understands how we think and act. I just ask that my wife be understanding, helpful if needed and know how to help me in an emergency situation. 4. Would you recommend a CGM? Which one? The medtronic CGM works well for me and its the only one I have used. 5. Any tips or tricks for not getting so overwhelmed? Try to do something fun or something that you love just for yourself, maybe photography. Try not to get upset over bad numbers as they happen to us all. Look at them as data and a way to make improvements, more like: wow I am really glad I caught that high now instead of 2 hours later I will correct and be in much better shape. And enjoy your good numbers and good A1C.