Has anyone else noticed a quick temper or more anxiety when you are having a high BS, I think after being A type 1 D for over 30 years my wife has noticed it.
I never gave it much thought until she mentioned it. Is it just me?
ugh yes I do been a type 1 for 40 years now
I know that I see it in my daughter. She is nine and yes has mommy's attitude but when she is high OMG!!!!!!!
yep i have the worst temper ever when I am high anything and everthing in my way has to deal with it.
No. I only do that when my BG readings are low.
Me? Only when reminded....
I only get like that when I’m low. But i totally get why you do.
It’s very u comfortabl for me to be high and I get restless leg syndrome and a stiff jaw. I can’t decide weather hi or low makes me feel worse. Lows are faster to correct generally for me.
I notice that situations that cause my temper to flare up also cause elevated BG but not sure if I’d say my temper is quicker once bg is already elevated
Generally, any time you feel like crap you will have a shorter fuse and be more irritable. It's not necessarily directly related to diabetes.
That said, when my BG is running high, I almost always feel like crap, so...
yes just posted in other topic how high sugar turns me in to monster, ive always noticed it i know its high sugar making me like that but until its lower il stay monster like lol when low im usually in quite good mood as feel ok , probably the fact that i know im just about to get high on a sugar binge :) until i realise ive over done it as monster appears again haha just thought life sucks sometimes :D
Had a discussion with my husband about this today. He says "YES" I get testy when high, but it is mostly frustration.
Thanks for the post, Donald. It began a long (happy, with laughing)discussion and more insight for me
I find my temper is short when I'm low not high. I'll yell at the dog for pulling on the leash if we're out walking and I get low, even though I know he always pulls. Stuff just irritates me more when I'm on the low side.
It becomes much easier to get on my nerves when my blood sugar’s high.I’m not constantly feeling on edge though. It usually takes something to trigger it.
Typical symptom during a hypo but I cannot say my temper is elevated by high BG.
I have a terrible temper when I have a high blood glucose because I'm mad at myself for letting it get that way (it's rarely in my control, but I still get mad at myself). My boyfriend often asks me "how's your blood sugar" when I'm being pissy, and it's usually high. Haha. That usually just annoys me more.
But anyway, YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT ALONE, and it's okay to be mad sometimes!
I tend to be crabby when I'm low, that is sometimes the first sign- I start to feel stressed, irritable and nervous. It happens occasionally when I'm high, but not as often.
I’ve always known this ! High blood sugar causes a bad mood for me . The reason a high puts me in a bad mood is cause I just don’t like how I feel in general .
I can usually tell when my son's blood sugar is high because he gets very testy and snaps at everything I say.
Oh, my gosh, YES! I usually get a migraine when I'm high, so that accounts for it. And even when I don't, I still feel sick, which accounts for the other times. When I'm high with no symptoms? I'm fine.
I get irritable when I'm low, too, but not as much.
yes! it's always good to find out that you are not the only one that has certain symptoms!