Okay, folks. Still trying to get this beast under control! I was diagnosed with an A1C of 6.8 in January. Treating with diet and exercise.
I’m kind of on my own with all of this, so good thing I have all of you!
Today’s dumb questions:
How many carbs do you shoot for in a day in your diet? I imagine this varies greatly depending on male vs. female, on meds vs. not, etc. But I’m still curious. I struggle daily with what to eat and feel like low-ish carb is the way to go, but not sure what that means and finding so much different info online that I’m confused. Also, I’m hungry all the time and I’m not used to that.
The CDE I saw said I should shoot for these numbers:
Between 80 and 130 before breakfast and other meals,
Less than 160 two hours after meals,
and between 100 and 140 at bedtime.
Do these sound right? It’s not that I don’t trust my health people, but sometimes I wonder if I’m getting the best/most recent info… -
Should a Type 2 wear a medical alert bracelet? Do people even do that anymore? Is it a dumb idea? I had an awful hypo-type of experience at my job the other day and I realized if I passed out, I might be in trouble with people not knowing that I’m diabetic. Then again, maybe I just feel like shopping for accessories.
Thanks for any light any of you can shed!