Reaching Out So I Can Reach Out

This was originally posted to my blog, Diabetes Odyssey.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I tend to dwell on and talk a lot about my issues. Yes, part of the reason I write this blog is to use it as a tool to “get it all out”. The emotions, the stress, the depression, frustration, anxiety, etc., that the constant struggle with diabetes brings on.

But that’s not the only reason I write my blog. The main reason I started this blog was to reach out to other struggling diabetics; to let them all know we are not alone. There are so many of us. New and well seasoned alike, we all have our ups and downs. None of us asked for this, and none of us can be free of it. But we can support each other, share our knowledge, talk it out, listen, and know that there are others out there that understand first hand what we are going through.

But I have been neglecting that side of my blog lately. I’ve been so caught up in my own struggle as of late that I developed tunnel vision and all I could see was me.

I’m sorry. How rude of me to be so self-centered.

So I am going to ask all of you to help me get back on track. What would you like to see me post about? Give me some diabetes topics you would like me to research and discuss. Ask me some questions I can converse about. Point out some struggles you or someone you know with diabetes has been dealing with and I can discuss the topic and commiserate via blog post.

Give me anything to talk about to help me get back to reaching out to the diabetic community and helping other diabetics via my blog.

Thank you.


Tamra, I’ve never viewed your blog as anything but a supportive and helpful outreach. It’s never been simply all about you. Please don’t change a thing! :heart:



I agree with Rose–you put words to a lot of things that are hard for us to deal with and that takes courage! CL :sunflower::sun_with_face: