Research Project - Need help!

Hey everyone!

I was diagnosed with type 1 two and half years ago at 23 years old.

A month later I began a 5-year program to pursue a doctorate in clinical child psychology.

For my dissertation I have chosen to look at the relationship between parenting styles and treatment adherence in children and adolescents. The project consists of parents and children with t1dm filling out self-report forms. I am having trouble obtaining a sample of participants though. Does anyone have any ideas?? All advice is appreciated!!!

Thanks everyone!



Hi Elana,

I was diagnosed 40 years ago with t1d. I have two teenagers, ages 16 and 18 who do not have the disease. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I recommend posting your request on the JDRF website; there are support groups for kids and teens through that site as well. I don't think bribes are required, although I wouldn't say no to one! Most people are happy to help when it comes to research.

Good luck!

I might be able to provide some ideas to you. How much time and effort do you need from your particpants? Can you create a questionairre and get a account and post links to your survey around the DOC? If you can do that you will likely get the most participants.

Or are you going to have to consent individuals and take up a good portion of their time? If so you are going to need some help from clinicians and other team members to help you recruit paticipants. If so a participant payment, like BSC mentioned, may be very helpful. It doesn't necessarily even have to be money. A gift card to walmart or even free test stips would get my interest.

Also consider possibly enlarging the group you are examining? Are you just looking at people prospectively or could I and my mom be used? I was a child and adolescent with T1 in the 80s and 90s.

That's a really interesting idea - I'm going to speak with my supervisor re: also looking at participants that are now adults - Thanks!

Unfortunately - I will need consent - the surveys itself won't be time consuming, but I will need some sort of permission. However, I wonder if that could also be done online - Thanks for these suggestions they are super helpful.

If your study is of very minimal risk, which it sounds like it is. You may be able to ask to waive consent. Especially if you will not be able to identfy the individuals. Which may be possible with survey monkey.

This was a great idea - I truly appreciate your help! I already e-mailed my advisor asking what she thought - will keep you posted!!


Small group of fairly active members...

Interesting project. I would fill out a survey, do interviews or anything like that. I could perhaps fwd to my parents as well.

One other question I'd have is how you might account for doctoring styles, which would impact both sides of your subject?

That's a great idea. I will bring that up with my supervisor. Thanks!

I'll be looking forward to reading about this when it's published. I wonder how the results will be affected by the personality type of the child.