I am a graduate psychology student and am a partner of a type I diabetic. I am conducting my dissertation research on the experience of partners of Type I diabetics. If any of you have significant others that are at least 21 and have been living with you for at least a year, and are in the san francisco bay area and would like to participate in my study please email me at diabetes.dissertation@gmail.com.
Participate includes a written survey and an hour long in person interview with me.
Thank you!
Hi Julie,
Hope you find volunteers for your study through the community.
Please make sure to share with us your findings once you submit your work, so we may all learn from it.
Thank you! I definitely will keep you informed~
Hi Julie! I just came across this discussion! I have type 1… and my husband might be interested in participating… are you still looking for people?
Take care!
Hello Julie:
Given this medium, and phone technology, a larger area could be possible phone interviews and such.
Good Luck with your work regardless…
If you could do the survey and interview on line or over the phone, I’m sure my bf could help you out. I have been diabetic for 17yrs and with my bf for 3. He has gone thru a bit with me and is always wanting to learn more about the betes. Let me know. 8)
Oh, I just noticed the part about being in San Francisco. We could only participate via email or telephone.
Hi! I have figured out a way to do the study via email. If your boyfriend is still interested have him send me an email at diabetes.dissertation@gmail.com and I can send him the survey! Thanks so much! I hope this works out!!
I don’t fill the bill. But if you want a dad of two t1s let me know.
The diabetes sucks bit is dead on.
Hi All! Thanks for everyone who showed interest…however, I am still desperate for participants. My dissertation chair has allowed me to conduct my research via email. So…for all those interested in participant who are not in the bay area. Email me at diabetes.dissertation@gmail.com. Participation now includes a written questionnaire and a short answer survey that can be emailed. Thanks so much!