Retinopathy Replay UPDATE

I had some extremely severe retinopathy about 20 years ago and was saved by an extraordinary eye doc. Been T1 for 52. Tonight, I was putting dishes away and suddenly had a right eye vision filled strands of hair. I knew immediately that a blood vessel had broken. Oh my... Made a to do list note to call my eye doc.

After an hour, the "floater hair strands" filtered out to a haze--like looking through grey silk. I am looking right now through the grey haze, and I wish it was purple ;)

This is my "good eye" as I had extensive laser work--20 years ago on the "bad eye."

It is what it is. But I am afraid.

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At least you know what you're dealing with and also know what to do about it. But it doesn't make it any less scary.

There's nothing I can do for you except to send a virtual hug your way.

It is what it is. I really appreciate the hug. At least this does not mess up my BG reading--well some stress.

My sympathies. I have spent the past four years living in an almost perpetual state of gray haze, in both eyes. My eyes will bleed then clear out, bleed then clear out. I have had vitrectomies in both eyes and tons of lasering. It has pretty much boiled down to me having Avastin injections every 3 months to keep my eyes stable. Even with all that, I still have floaters, threads and gray haze, at times worse than others. The good news, I can still see to work, drive and function to near full capacity. Hugs going out to you as well. You are not alone. Iā€™m a 30 year T1.

A hug from me as well.


lots of hugs sent!!! 48 years for me and my first eye issue started a year ago, and let me tell you, that you are handling it very well.

(((Hugs))) Sorry you are dealing with this again Spock, I think the treatments are even better now than before. I would be really scared too, you are doing really well.

Thinking of you spock. Let us know how you get on.

Retinopathy is base on the blood vessel,diabetes makes the LDL-C rise .it will hardened and narrowed the blood vessels and clog near the cornea. the best way to slove the problem of retinopathy is highly to increase the HDL-C .western medicine can do nothing in this section.

spock, sending good vibes your way, hope the doc can give you some good news re treatment options and prognosis. it sounds really scary, i didnt know it happened so suddenly like that!

Praying for you NOW, Spock. I understand why you are frightened. But treatments are so much better now. Do call your doctor.

God Bless,

Carol 99,I did not know this. I have had diabetes for 46, almost 47 years without signs of retinopathy. In terms of cholesterol level, my HDL has always been high and my LDL has always been low. I take 2000 milligrams of Omega-3 tablets daily and have for done so several years ( at least a decade). Does this have anything to do with it?
God bless,

Thank you all so very much. I hate to say this, but I needed the sympathy.

I called my eye doctor this morning. He had a surgery cancel tomorrow morning and can see me at ten, so I feel better. But his practice has changed a lot in twenty years. He does my yearly exam, but no longer treats retina issues. (I am his only adult patient, as he works now solely with children.) So, he will refer me out after he checks it. Makes me sad, as he saved my eyes and I trust him 100%.

Thanks again all! The DOC is a fantastic support for me.

Yea. This was spectacularly fast. One minute fine, next minute not fine. It is impossible to miss the change because it is the eye.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow and that treatments clears things up quickly. I don't have diabetic retinopathy after 23 years with Type 1, but I've had numerous run-ins with lasers aimed at my eyes due to other issues. Hope all goes well!

Spock - My thoughts are with you. Even though we try to keep BGs in check, complications like these seem capricious. I wish you well with you doctor visit and hope you can clear your vision and stabilize things.

Just got home from the eye doc. Seems I have one leaker, but the retina is not detached and there are no "new" blood vessel branches forming. It is a little hard for him to see everything, because of the blood in my eye, but he is confident it will settle down. I am to wait a couple of days and then call him. Based on progress, he may send me to the retina specialists.

Better news than I expected.

So Happy for you, Spock!! I expected the great for you..!!
God Bless,

Is it a fish oil form of omega? Fish oil is very good for cholesterol, and in a lot of studies has proven to work better at lowering and maintaining LDL and triglycerides than many statins. :) It also helps with depression and many other things!!

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You all helped.