Saudi Wedding

I was invited yesterday to a friend"s daughter wedding All women dressed beautifully ( no men so we took off our black cloaks and head scarves),Arabic Saudi songs from a live band,the surprise was it is a very good singer with his band behind curtains,we saw them on screen,usually it is women band.The groom with the bride father,brother and uncle came first,we all covered ourselves,then the bride entered ( american born,postgraduate in USA) entered to the lovely music.Photos were taken,then men left for the party to continue till dawn,followed by a buffet...... I just had a good time,wish if you were there.......Arabian Night......

And this is my neice wedding in Cairo.....

So the men and women usually party in different rooms? The most Orthodox Jews do to separate the genders is put a curtain or portable wall between the men and the women. Sometimes they eat together but dance separately. It’s definitely a different atmosphere dancing separately, where there is no expectation that you will dance only with your husband/date. Sounds like it was a very elaborate wedding… and I know Arabs know how to party!

The saudi wedding watch islamic rules,if women are not covered properly so it is better to have their own privacy.In Egypt as you see for my niece wedding,the bride is moderately covered and others dress to their own taste. I enjoy both cultures and have fun.Actually I love our way of living,combining God’s obedience and living to the full.