Well first let me start with an introduction of sorts. I’m Crystal, and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a week before my third birthday (brought on by chicken pox, lovely). I took shots up until I was 8, when I switched to my first minimed insulin pump. I will never again live without a pump, it’s my savior. I’ve now been on an insulin pump for 11 years, and currently am the proud owner of a paradigm (oooh fancyy).
But anyways, this blog is not about that. You see I am a disgustingly confident person, I know that I’m hot and I’m not going to go out of my way to pretend that I don’t. I’m a 19 year old 112lb 5’6 ex-model (who quit because she didn’t think the modeling agency was good enough for her). I love my body, and my life, and know my personality beats out pretty much all the girls you’ve met. But there is one problem that does upset me from time to time.
My body is near perfect. I have great legs, great tattoos and piercings and I’m skinny with everything in proportion, except for my stomach.
My stomach is not fat, in any way. After years of insulin pump usage and careless changing of silhouettes, My stomach (and some spots on my upper butt but I don’t worry about those) has formed a lot of scar tissue. To a normal eye it just looks like a little bit of chub, but if you feel it it’s hard and you can tell that it isn’t fat in there. It’s hard and every now and then if I hit a bad spot with the needle, it does hurt. My big question is, is there plastic surgery to remove scar tissue? (I am a fan of plastic surgery, though the more natural looking it comes out the better, and I personally don’t know that I’ll ever decide to get it, besides for the scar tissue)
I’ve read about doctors removing scar tissue from back surgeries, but can they do this one my stomach? and what kind of scars would it leave, worse than what I deal with now?
If anyone has any answers I would love to hear them (: I hope my cockiness didn’t scare anyone off, I’m just very blunt, and I appreciate that in others.
After reading this I realized that Im not as fat as I thought … around the upper part of my hips haha its needles effect! … Yeah doctors can remove that … but Im not sure if you dont get any marks afterwards … haven’t heard much about it …
I asked my last endo about it and he was a freaking idiot and didn’t even offer to find the info for me… it’s so hard to find a good doctor in this area but thank you, i’ll keep looking into it.
You could do surgery, but that may create more scar tissue since you’re going after the hypodermal tissue. With little body fat, your chance of having adhesions is higher, plus trying to core our only the scare tissue will pry leave your with something that looks like ocean waves since you’re only doing a focal area.
A better alternative may be ultrasound with intense massage. This is what we use when we have to break up scar tissue from old injuries and post-surgery. Would be a helluva lot cheaper and effective. Go find a chiropractor that does ultrasound and have him/her wand it. It may take a while, but it should work. It will never get rid of ALL of it, but neither would surgery.
thank you so much! i hanven’t had anyone or any dr ive talked to answer my question with anything other than an “i’ll get back to you” i’ll start looking into it tomorrow (:
Wow just reread that and am quite embarrassed about the quality of the spelling
Another thing Ive heard is that if you stop getting your shots in that swollen area for a while the scar may well disappear … Maybe it wont if its already so big… anyway be so careful with the times you use your syringes or pump pods …
ManuelI wish I had more fat on my body that I could move around where I put the pump site, but there just isn’t a whole lot of places. My mom does all the sets on my upper butt cuz I can’t reach back there comfortably, and the only other place I can put it is my stomach (some people can use the leg, but I have a tattoo on one side where I would put it and there isn’t enough fat there for me anyways)
SuFu - No worries (:
Manuel**- wasn’t paying attention lol