
HI Everybody!

My name is Geri and I've had diabetes for 40 yrs now and no longer feel symptoms that go along with hypoglycemia. My endocrinoligist recommended that I get a sensor. My Diabetic Educator loaned me her Dexcom sensor but I found it to be off sometimes as much as 30 units plus it kept waking me up at night with false readings. I was considering trying the sensor by Medtronic which correlates with the pump I have. No monitors are necessary to hook on your waistband with this one and they claim to be only 10 units off at times but that's what the other company said also. Have any of you had experience with either of these sensors? Can you share some pros and cons with me. I have to decide by Monday whether or not I want to try the other sensor or stick with the dexcom...or...just forget the whole thing and test more. (I already test 6-8 times a day but I guess I'll have to set an alarm now in case I drop during the night)

Thank you so much!!

I have used medtronics along with Dexcoms. Personally for me I have found that Dexcom is more accurate. I used Medtronics for over a year due to the pump, but I have used Dexcom for the past week for me it is more accurate then Medtronics.

I have times when the Dex isn’t as accurate as it should be but I find the most value comes from being able to watch trends. I’ve heard the Dexcom is more accurate than the others. The over night alarms can be somewhat annoying, but I have had them keep me from dropping dangerously low. Nothing is going to be perfect so you have to weigh the safety aspects against the inconvenience.

If you can try out medtronic too I would do that. Just like insulin, I think sensors react differently in different people.
Also I think for most sensors, time improves their reliability. I use dexcom and the first two days can be pretty off. After the third or fourth day, it’s pretty close (10-15 point difference) and sometimes spot on. I think both CGMs have groups so you might want to read/search through their discussions for more info (and other pros/cons). In addition, these groups also talk about ways to calibrate for better accuracy.

I have the Dexcom and although there are times it can be off, most of the time it is in range. The trend arrows have saved me many a time. There are things that can throw it off like if you are dehydrated. Some meds besides Tylenol can throw it off. Some body parts seem to do better than others as far as sensor placement. Also, even though you are able to calibrate whenever you want, you get better results if you calibrate when your BS has been stable for about 15 minutes.

I have heard alot of people complain about the Minimed ones, but there are people that do well with them. It probably wouldn’t hurt to try it and see which one you like better if you were disappointed with the Dex.

I have really liked the Dex and I did not like my trail with the Medtronic system, but that was me. When I was considering a CGMS system for hypo unawareness ( and I am so happy I have a system now), I knew there was going to be variability. The trends tend to be the most useful and as Xanthasun mentioned after the first couple of days the Dex seems to be more accurate. Which number did you have the low setting at? I keep mine set at 60 and taking the number down from the 70 recommended by my doctor has really helped to eliminate the false low alerts.