Severe non diabetic hypoglycemia

I am by no means an expert or medical professional. But I do have several people in my family with a similar issue. Sometime back I came here to TU and asked about this because my stepson was having severe lows. The overwhelming response that I got was that hypoglycemia is very often a precursor to type I. In fact, now that I have an understanding of how I feel when my blood sugar is low (type I and using a meter) I realize that I had hypoglycemic episodes going back as far as 40 years. They became more frequent the older I got. I was diagnosed type I at age 55.

Based on all of that I would recommend going forward with your plan to be seen by an Endo and have further tests. Also, the approach to hypoglycemia is the same as that of diabetes. The goal is stable blood sugar. Treating your lows with carbs only is like pouring gasoline on a fire. My sister-in-law is hypoglycemic and eats virtually the same type of diet that I do to manage it. I know there are also communities online for hypoglycemic support.

Most importantly, I also know that it is nothing to ignore.