Sex With Diabetes

I know this may sound like a very stupid question, but ever since my friends asked me if diabetes had any issues with having sex, I can’t seem to keep questioning my self if it does…so does it?

Let’s just say that low blood sugar can, ahem, inhibit the fun of sex. Having to stop to check your blood sugar or take a glucose tab mid-fun kind of kills the mood. So, make sure you’re stable before things get started :slight_smile:

Always keep something sweet close at hand for after wards, sex after all is a workout ;o)

Haha. I see. Other then that, there is no reason diabetes should prevent you from having sex?

pump users can unplug during and the amount of sugar used for the physical activity prob is close to the amount still in the blood stream from stopping a basal, snack handy would still be wise. With a conventional pump, def need to be unplugged and have an understanding partner to hypos, awkward robot thing attached to your body, or bruises from MDI, etc.

Well, the only single reason I could think of would be to avoid getting pregnant if your A1C isn’t where it should be. No other reason I can think of! Diabetes isn’t contagious, you know :slight_smile:

ahem no

Well, I say I agree that if planning pregnancy then a stable A1C is in order. Other then that, do the pre-pee, pre-sugar level check, and have fun! Coming from a man with Five kids it has never been an issue. Cheers.

Not a stupid question at all!

I think men and women may have slightly different issues though. For example, high blood sugars can impact negatively upon a man’s performance.

It is also a great intimate moment buster when you have to say ‘not now dear, my blood sugar is a little too low’.

I know I have to be at least 90/5.0 before proceedings begin as otherwise I start seeing stars - and not in the way it’s supposed to be…

The correct wording is important here. All the time we speak about diabetes and its complications. But these issues are not caused by diabetes - they are caused by uncontrolled diabetes. The public gets the wrong impression that having diabetes means having these complications. This community should pay more attention to this communication problem. Otherwise we have to deal with many misconceptions. For example: one year after diagnosis a girl at school asked me if diabetes is causing impotence. I was 18 then and just thought “hell, am I now supposed to rip my pants apart or what!?”.


More Bad news…

High blood sugars can cause both Diabetic Men and Women to get an yeast infection. A Diabetic Person could pass an yeast infection to their sexual Partner. Protection should be used or avoiding sex until the infection is cleared up.

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Only if you count lows, a beeping cgm, or a snagged infusion site:) Most people probably fixate on ED, but I have yet to be asked directly about that.

I put “ahem no” to no reason to prevent you, not the wise pregnancy point. if anyone thinks it’s contagious, probably shouldn’t sleep with them… haha

Hi, there…I am an RN, and I get this question all the time. There is absolutely no reason you should not be able to have sex. It may not be as fun if your blood sugar is high a lot because this can affect lubrication, etc. As some others have said, it is also good to check your blood sugar before to make sure that you aren’t low. If you have a pump, you and your partner can work around it. Not to worry!

I truly apologize Danny…but this too will pass. :smiley: We have to keep your brain cells moving.

I turn my basal way way down for a couple of hours, as my sensitivity sky rockets as we get moving.

But prior to my pump, I would have to drink sugar throughout the adventure, most of the time we like to drink non diet Rockstars or other energy drinks, and those would keep me up very well. But when I have a BG crash in the middle of the action, well, I dont even need to explain what happens there, yall already know what happens to a man when fuel in the body becomes scarce.

Its too bad I never got to have sex without this disease, I didn’t make that life achievement until summer of 2002, after diagnosis.

I had a girl ask me once if Diabetes was an STD… Yeah… I know, some people are just amazing.

As a lady of a certain age, I find that (ahem) the bombs burst in air better than ever.

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Being diagnosed as a child I have had diabetes my whole sex life and I can’t say that it has ever affected it. I just make sure that my blood sugar is ok and have some long acting carbs on board. Sure there are some events that are more energetic than others but you gotta take a break sometime and there is nothing like a glass of OJ or the like to recharge the batteries :wink:
In all honesty I don’t really think twice about my diabetes when things start to get hot in the bedroom - I guess I’m lucky that I have fairly good control and don’t have to think twice about it.

Besides if you need to keep the sugar up during sex there are a variety of ways you can integrate food with the naked female form…LOL!!!

No Problems here…I use it to my advantage!! So if I here the proverbial “I’ve got a headache” and can meet and raise you one with “I BG’s are high” so let’s do it…LOL. But then again I’m a guy and we’re usually not the ones in control, no pun intended.

Personally, I don’t feel 100% if my blood sugars are off and then I don’t feel up to it…SO I work hard to keep my sugars stable as much as possible and then I keep sugar near by and it’s all good. lol