Shock/Trauma causes diabetes

I tried to search previous forums and couldn’t find anything.
Is there research that shows that a sudden shock or trauma (for instance death of husband/child or accident) causes diabetes? (or not?)
Can it be caused by trauma or severe shock?
I couldnt find anything that proofs it. I could however found that it doesnt cause diabetes.

I have only anecdotal evidence. My full fledged diabetes started after nose surgery. Which was traumatic.

A second hand story of a woman that developed a nasty case of diabetes after a divorce.

what is a “nasty case”? it is pretty well known (though i can not site any articles right now) that hospitals see all of their new cases after a major “stressor” like an earthquake or flood. there is not an increase in the amount of cases in a 6 month period, they are just compressed into the days after the stress. it seems that stress really brings all of the bodily functions, especially in the endocrine system into full steam, if your beta cells are on the verge of burn out, that’ll push it over the edge…

I had “minor” surgery 3 years ago that turned into disaster. CHF, then liver failure and beginnings of pancreatic failure. I have felt horrible since, and was diagnosed 12/08 with Type1.5… that they think I have had for some years, undiagnosed. I am convinced that the trauma of that surgery 3 years ago edged me over. It does run in my family.

I was a different person after this surgery, have never felt as well since. Hope with diet and the diagnosis, I will get back to my old self.

Major stress, of any kind, can raise blood sugar, and if one is on the verge of becoming diabetic, it can tip the scales into the diabetic range. That did happen to me. I was in the middle of a phenomenally stressful year when I was diagnosed, after having carefully worked with diet and exercise for years to stave it off, and having been tested regularly before that. Stress is a biggie. Which means that, once one is diabetic, stresses will also keep blood sugar high.

Dear Lev.

I think the father told me she was brittle which I think meant very high highs and bad lows, difficult to control. Not that any cases are good diabetes but some people I know can keep there BG is the normal range at most times. Most people can’t.

Dear Mindy.

There may be no such thing as minor surgery. The person that I knew that was in the best of health was my mother. Never a sick day, more energy at 80 than me at 40. but she nearly died from shock from anasthesia during a “trivial” gallblader operation.

One wonders if a constant prolonged stress can predispose the body to obesity and diabetes that is then triggered by a major stress.

I believe that can be true. Long-term stress, and sleeplessness, and they often go together, raise levels of cortisol, which contribute to the same type of obesity found with insulin resistance and I suspect they are all part of the same syndrome. I know that for many years I was under constant stress of many kinds and also got very poor sleep.

I have no “scientific” proof to offer you. However, I was admitted to the ICU with DKA about nine days after a week full of major stressors - I put my Nana in the hospital then moved her to a nursing home and dealt with all the ensuing problems; there were major disturbances in our family business; my family and I hit two deer at once with my car ($8500 worth of damage); and to top things off, my parents, brother, SIL and niece went through a category 3 hurricane the same night we hit the deer. I had no way to reach them to check on them (or to find out where keys were to one of their vehicles, lol - we ended up driving my dad’s truck full of freshly harvested grass seeds to town at a crawl where I could get one of their cars…) It was my doc’s opinion that this “stressful” string of events pushed my pancreas over the edge and set Type 1 diabetes in motion, along with fibromyalgia, CFS and IBS. I was in pretty good shape prior to this, as I exercised pretty regularly and had lost over 100 pounds prior to my diagnosis (the weight loss was intentional - I was on a low carb diet and exercise regime). As others have already stated, it’s purely anecdotal evidence that I can offer you - but I’ve heard others (not just on here) also tell their stories, which are very similar to what everyone has written here so far…

A good friend of mine got very sick with a virus, a very high fever, and then within a couple weeks started to drop massive amounts of weight. He got to the point that we all thought he was going to die, as he was skeletal, (He was 300 lbs when he got sick) when they finally diagnosed him with diabetes. First type 2, then type 1, then they said he seems to be a type all his own.

He’s now on insulin, and doing much better. He is definitely insulin dependent but his body really reacts odd to things.