Sick day/insulin resistance from hell

So, I’ve been having my usual through the roof stress at work (actually, probably more than usual) and haven’t been getting enough sleep, which was driving my fasting sugars through the roof (up in the 180s range from my 120-130 normal) and significantly increased morning insulin requirements. All of a sudden, with the cold that’s been sort of hanging on for a month kicking into slightly higher gear, it’s like I’m injecting water instead of insulin. 6 units, which will usually drop me 60-80 points in the AM and 300+ at night (I’m guessing, never having tried it under normal circumstances) is doing nothing. I’ve almost doubled my Lantus and am taking 3-4x my normal bolus, and it’s like taking water. The lowest I’ve been today is 133. Spent most of the day in the 150-170 range.

Switched pens, switched, needles, etc. Doc said more exercise, but felt too lousy today to do that.

Anyone else ever have that sort of insanity?

Oh well, going to shoot up more “water” and hit the sack.

Have had many days like this. Stress will do it faster than anything & especially in combination with being ill. Then, additional stress from seeing those numbers. Oh, the joy! Makes me want to scream. What I do is drink lots of water & eat little during these phases. Even if my insulin isn’t close to expiring, I start a new vial so it’s more potent.

Do you have a cold, flu, or other symptoms of infection? I have major insulin resistance then.

My endo actually told me that when I am stressed to increase all doses by 10%. Sounds like you need a lot more than a 10% increase though.

Is there any chance that the insulin is bad? Perhaps even if you have stored it properly, it was not always stored properly. Did the problem begin when you started a new vial of insulin?

Another idea is that some people develop resistance to a certain brand of insulin. Perhaps you should try switching insulins (for example from Humalog to Novolog).

Dov, sickness, stress, and lack of sleep will do it for me. too. I am not finding myself to be insulin resistant, but I do need more insulin when I am tired, or worried.The recent MM CGMS I got helps me to avoid those 180+ spikes,and has really helped with a.m. basal adjustments.

I am learning to leave my work worries AT WORK, get enough sleep; and I take little 2-3 minute prayer/meditation/deep breathing breaks at work and at home. I also find something sincerely funny and laugh, long deep belly laughs at least once a day…All these procedures help me physiologically, mentally, and spiritually…

God Bless,

I’m just coming off a period just like this. I was beginning to doubt the insulin and opened 3 different vials to see if they would make any difference. They didn’t. I doubted my pump and started injecting bolus. Didn’t help. In the end i just turned up my basal insulin by 30% and suffered a few lows, but in general got near normal. It was a frustrating tiem and I probably blew my A1C for this period. Sounds like you’re normal and not alone. Hang in there.

I’ve had the same issue from time to time, and unfortunately there was a lot of tail chasing. Just going round and round, attempting to keep my blood sugars under 200. The stress definitely will not help matters at all. Sometimes I’ll just adjust my expectations of my blood sugars a bit and be happier with them running slightly higher, otherwise my stress levels just increase with everything else I have on my plate.

If you’re coming down with something, your blood sugars will reflect the oncoming infection with higher blood sugars. I know you’re aware of this. Maybe increase your bolus a bit more, but not too much.

Got anything to help you relax? I finally asked my doc for a rx of xanax, which I’ll take from time to time. Maybe a couple of times a month when I’m really feeling stressed with the kids, diabetes and life. It might be worth a try, although I wouldn’t try it during the week. It helps take off the edge and will knock me out.

Good luck, I hope you find something which works!

ditto everyone else…stress makes mine go up tremendously…I have a cold now and paired with the time change running 120% of normal

Illness and stress are probably the answers but have you considered these factors?
weight gain
scar tissue at injection/infusion sites
aging (yes, insulin needs can change over time)
ummm, I assume you’re not having a period, but …

No weight gain, I rotate frequently, and this was over the course of 2-3 weeks.

(I think I’ll rule out the period :slight_smile: )

Things are more under control today, even though I’m developing frank symptoms.

Jewish mommy genes kicking in here… Call in sick (which you are), rest, relax & lots of chicken soup for body & soul.

The problem is that at my job, as a first year associate, sick means dead and at least 50% decomposed. You can prop a corpse up in court and still bill it out, after all :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, I’ll probably pay a visit to the doctor in the next day or two and suggest bed rest. I made a vat of chicken soup yesterday, and if I ever get out of here, then I’ll actually have some.

Hello I’m a LADA too and your honeymoon could be over? Just thought I’d throw it out there, the time since your diagnosis looks about right. Is your basal dose still 2 units? Robin

Dear Dov.

Sorry to hear that the big D is getting worst. Stress is a real killer for diabetics ( and normal civilians too probably). Injecting more insulin is a two edged sword since if you exceed 0.5 units per Kg of body weight per day and this includes your pancreases production you will gain weight like crazy not a good outcome. I know I have become very insulin resistant.

What to do? 1) Get rid of the stress would be best but probably impracticable. 2) A hell of a lot of exercise. This needs energy and time. Do as much as you can even if you don’t feel like it.

  1. You can add metformin to the mix. I was able to cut my daily insulin dose from 100 units to 50 with as good if not better BG control with 2000 mg of metformin per day. And also felt not hunger whatsoever and was able to loose 5 lb. But like the old Slovak joke: “The operation was a smashing success but the patient died”. I found after 3 weeks on the metformin I could hardly get out of bed. No gastro-intestinal upset just no energy. This is not a typical outcome and most people thrive on the met. I met one diabetic that lost 65 lb on met and he stressed that no willpower was involved he was just no hungry.