Sinus infection

I am going through a really bad sinus infection and my bloodsugars are all over the map. I have been having alot of lows. Would this cause my blood sugars to do this?

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Any stress can cause elevation of blood glucose.

Usually an infection will result in high blood sugars. But anything’s possible!!

Not an infection, but when my allergies are at their worst I sometimes have random crazy low blood sugars.

If you’ve been chasing infection caused highs with “rage blouses” then yes there can be a lot of rollercoastering.

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I could see it. Have you been feverish? Being sick in general make me run high, but if I spike a fever, my blood sugar plummets.

No fever that I know of. I have had 3 days of antibiotics and so far no relief.My joints ache,especially in my one hand. I feel pressure in my neck chest and stomach area. If I am not any better by the 4th day I will make an appointment with my doctor. Also any bright light in my eyes causes pr.essure

I’ve had a few bad sinus infections. The problem is if it’s impacted in your sinuses then the antibiotics can’t really get to the bacteria.

You might want to get one of those sinus rinse kits with salt water to flush out your sinuses. Also a Nettie pot works for some people but you need to be careful to use distilled water if you aren’t using salt.


yeah, I have one of those. My sense of taste is also off. Everything I eat is stronger tasting than normal. I hope things will return back to normal.

Have you tested for Covid? The newer mutations can cause symptoms like this.

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@Ruth4 my thoughts exactly, use your free home Covid tests.

Yes I got tested it was negative.