Smart Insulin Slideshow

Found this mini slideshow recently created by Dr. Zion. Pretty cool…If it works!!!

Video added!

Other than outright cure of the anti-body attack on Beta cells and regeneration of Beta cells, this is the single best concept I can imagine! No hardware of an artificial pancreas. Looks like you couldn’t really overdose on Smart Insulin. You could take too little but it would only take short period of trial & error to figure out the correct dose for each person–a cake walk compared to what we do now.

Amen…! Honestly even if an artificial pancreas became a reality I wouldn’t be thrilled wearing all that crap (plus the cost) would be ridiculous. I am from the old school and never even got involved with a pump. SmartInsulin would be a gift from god. Though I don’t have trouble with Hypos per say I have bad mood swings from the sugar fluctuations which are totally unavoidable with todays insulin. We need real time like a pancreas which is what Smartinsulin is designed to do. I have no choice but to believe this will be eventually be our reality. Then we can happily wait for an eventual true cure.