Solar pens and syringes?

Is it okay to draw up the insulin with a syringe, from the pens?
My doc office is offering me solar pens in place of the lantus vials they gave away that were mine (read blog).
I don’t have any solar pen needles… don’t know how much they cost. But they said i could use my needles.
What do you think?

oooo i like that idea, sounds reasonable and cheaper then buying a whole box of new needles. when i already got needles!

You can draw insulin from the pen with a syringe, No problem at all. I’ve done it with the solostar Lantus pen. Don’t inject air each time unless you have trouble getting the insulin out. If that happens, just take the plunger out of your syringe and stick it into the pen and let some air in that way.

What you can’t do is use the pen with pen needles, extract insulin with a syringe, and go back to using the pen with pen needles, as this may cause incorrect doses to be delivered.

not even! how would you even get that? It’s not different then getting it from a vial. silly

i don’t have to pull out for the syringe right? Just let the pen push the insulin in?

i’ve drawn from pens with syringes a few times before. it kinda annoys me that you can get close to a good 10-15 units of insulin out of the pen after the syringe in the pen won’t go down any farther. i pull out with the syringe, i don’t dial it up. sounds as if both ways work just as well. :slight_smile:

I don’t push it with the pen, as that didn’t work when I tried it.