Started lantus

I started the lantus last night and noticed it burns when going in and my stomach hurts for about an hour after. Is this normal? will it calm down after afew times. Will see my diabetes nurse next week. But until please.

Good evening. Are you injecting cold insulin straight from the fridge? Cold insulin can produce a burn, this is why a lot of us keep insulin at room temperature (open bottles/pens only) while keeping the sealed ones in the fridge, for long term storage till we need it.

Also, the way Lantus works is dependent on it being in an acidic solution as compared the nuetral PH of our bodies. It is this mild acid that can present a burning sensation as our bodies neutralize the acid. It doesn't happen for me all the time, but if it's going to burn it typically only lasts a few minutes or so, but then I'm only sticking 17u in at a time.

I think it was it at room temp...or as close to room temp as i could get. Meaning it was cold when I got home and it had about 1.5 hours to warm up.(both last night and today) I just took about an hour ago and the hurting seems to subsiding now. I still have a red spot from last nights injection and have another one to match on the other side of my stomach. I am starting with 3 units and will get increase as needed.
Thank you, I tried to read what it is exactly but couldn't quite figure it out. I have lots to learn!

If you have not injected before, it is good to work on your injection technique. Lantus is acidic and it is supposed to be injected in the layer of body fat below your skin. If you hit muscle or some little blood vessels, it can sting and hurt. You may also have to use a different needle size depending upon your individual needs. A good guide to injecting Lantus can be found on-line at their website. Note that I find it very important to pinch in order to properly inject in my bodyfat layer. I gather a 1" skinfold and gently compress it as shown below.

Do have your diabetes nurse review injection technique with you. It should not regularly hurt. You should not regularly have bruises and it shouldn't keep hurting.

According to the manufacturer, once you open it (that is, puncture it with a needle) you are not supposed to store it in the refrigerator. This did not make sense to me, so I called them to find out why. I was told that it is more susceptible to bacteria when stored in the refrigerator. In fact, when I called they were very concerned to find out if I had left the needle screwed on. If I had, they would have told me to throw that pen out.

Stored without the needle and the cap on, this advice makes no sense to me as I think bacteria grows better in warmth (room temperature) than a refrigerator's 34 degree cold, but maybe there are unique types of bacteria in a refrigerator that grow well in that temperature and like insulin as a medium.

I occasionally get a brief burning sensation when starting to inject. I usually withdraw it and insert it in a different spot. I have never noticed stomach pains. Rather than wait for your next appointment with a nurse, I would call them. Or call your pharmacist.

I just wanted to say that I am glad that you were able to get it worked out so you could get insulin.

It does burn when it goes under the skin. I grant you that. I take Lantus too, and sometimes it can be quite painful. I find the abdomen to be a little too sensitive a place. Try upper thighs and see how that works. I find it to be a little less painful. For me, it only burns for a few seconds and then it's over. Best of luck.

So, what I have heard is that "Refrigerator Air" can be bad. You know, all that stuff from the Chinese restaurant in the back (you know from August), that makes "Refrigerator Air." It is bad.

But seriously, I think the major problem is that there is a higher rate of pen malfunctions. The cold pen can have a tendency to stick, and if it sticks badly you can break it.

If there was really a problem with "Refrigerator Air" you would be told to keep your vials (or cartridges) at room temperature as well.

Got a quick review on how ot give this stuff from my pharmacist, but will go see my diabetes nurse next week to learn more about this stuff ect... I never pinch when giving it, will have to try that. Thank you.

Thank you, it took a call from my doctor with me there and my records saying I had been having lows at night with previous meds.

I have a pen and viles to put into it, so I was told to keep extras in the fridge, and keep the one I am using out in the pen at room temperature and use for max of 35 days. Nice to know I am not the only one with burning, Will have to get used to it I guess. Thank you

Other opton sites I didn't know were available, other then the arm. Will try the upper thighs next and see how goes. Sounds kinda less painful. :) Thanks

That is great that it just took a phone call. I know it gets frustrating when you are told no, but sometimes it really is just one more step you need to take to get what you need. I hope the Lantus helps!

I have been using Lantus for several years and sometimes it still burns when I inject it. I inject on the sides of my hips, there is a little more fat there than on my stomach. I also pinch the skin a little when injecting.

i'm a Lantus. i use my thighs and booty (as best i can) for shooting up. i found the stomach to painful for Lantus. Also, it used to hurt me more than it does now. but there is still frequently a lasting stinging bite feeling with the drug. hopefully, when you find the site that works best for you, your pain will lessen a bit.

The unused pens have a membrane which is presumably impervious to bacteria, but when you screw a needle on it, the needle punctures this membrane with what would have to be a hole large enough for bacteria to enter. The cap is not that tight.

I do keep ALLl of mine in the fridge. I used to just put the one in current back in the carton, but now I put the "opened" one in a baggie with the hope that the seal is tight enough. If I don't post again in the next year or so, you can conclude the seal wasn't tight enough and be guided accordingly. Plus I try to purge the Chinese take out left overs if they are over 6 months old. LOL

HB , your ( Canadian ) CDE Pharmacist can assist with delivery of insulin : where, how , why etc. etc. ...however more than a " quick review " is required . Hope this links helps :

Lantus does sometimes burn due to its formulation. The variant of insulin (insulin glargine) in Lantus is soluble in an
acidic solution. When you inject the acidic solution into your body, your body neutralizes the acid and causes the insulin to precipitate out of solution into little solid particles which dissolve slowly of the course of 24 hours. It's the slightly acid solution that burns as it goes in. After it is neutralized, it stops burning. This is described in the package insert.

Been using Pens for yrs..Both NLog and Lantus , then Levimir
1.I use the Short Needle-not the long one and the main Cap top of the pen stays on as well, not with the Long Needles
2. I use 30 units at bedtime and I leave the Short needle on it and Keep it in the Fridge.. Main Reason? To keep it from getting Mixed up with my NLog Pen on the Counter I used Daily..
3. I use the same Needle in the Pen the entire 300 units in the pen > Ave. 10 shots..
4. When I start a new Pen and Needle? I do a AIR Shot of 3-4 setting '
5. Then again with a 3 setting to make sure it's comming out
6.. I will also do a Pre Shot of 2 units before each Dose thereafter
7. I shoot Up on the Inner theigh at bedtime.. approx. 3 inches above the Knee on the Inner Theigh
Go any higher and you will get a Owie.. and a sting..
8.Since your only using 3 units by 300, 100 days but It's Only supposed to be good for 28 days after opening and seeing that your New using it? I would Replace it after 28 days
9. Inject and Hold it in for a count of 5.. This allows the Left over Drop to get into your system
( You can do a 3 unit test and watch for that last drop to lnger on the tip of the needle)
10. I would also suggest you Get a Egg Timer alarm and set it for 2-3 hrs and take your Test meter with you to your Nitght Table to test at that time.. Just to be sure your not Going too Low.. Lantus has a Peak time of about 2-3 hrs.. with me..

Idealy, your taking enough at bedtime, so you get up in the AM being no more than +30 Pts higher than what you were, when went to bed..
Seeing as using such a Small amt ( 3 units) I guess they are starting you out On a Very Low Dose and will increase it gradually.. over the next few months..

and Keep Either Glucose Tabs or Some Mini Choc Bars, like 3 Musketeers by your bed, just incase you go too low ..1 glucose tab = 4 carbs x 5 pts eac = +20 pts on ave. Some Do more and you will need to take at least 2-3 tabs ( 15 carb Rule) or can try just taking 1 mini bar, that is 10 carbs and should raise your BG's by +50 pts or more.. So if your 50 + 50 = 100.. etc..

And Get the Book > Think Like a Pancrease
It will get you Upto Speed using Insulin and some Advanced Information as well ..that would take Months if not at all from your Medical Staff..

Hope that helps

First off, it ALL HELPS!!! Thank You!!
I have the novo fine needles, the box with a 6 on it...I think that is the smallest.
And I think I will change it after every time...grosses me out to think of using it more than once. We are starting low and will increase as needed. I could replace after 28 days, but was told 35 is good time to also....hmmm
I did notice I have to do air shot before I take as it doesn't come out very easily at first. The button on the pen is kinda hard to push and I feel like I didn't get it in except I can feel the burning and so then I know it is in. I have noticed I will have to hold it in longer to as it does drip after I take it out. I did hold for abit tonight after taking it.
Night time lows was something I was worried about.But my dr. has assured me I will be fine till we up it then I might have to test in the night. I find it kinda strange to shoot at bedtime instead of the daytime. I think it should be monitored for awhile before going to bed so I don't go low while sleeping. I have been taking about 1-2 hours before bed as I am abit of night owl so I try to take at 10pm. Is this o.k?? I will check with all this next week at my appt. But other input is good to!!!
I have a sugar drink by my bed as I am not a wake-up person and have fallen asleep with the glucose tabs in my mouth during treating. (much to my dentists dismay, lol) But can manage a drink 3/4 asleep. Chocolate would melt in my mouth though, might give that a try. Love chocolate!!!!
I take all this info in and try whatever I can to make this all easier to live with. TY, hb