Starting insulin on Tuesday

Good for you Karen. Just remember that there is a large community here at Tudiabetes that is always willing to help.

Gary S

Karen, I don't know the answers to your questions, because like you, I'm type 2 and just starting on insulin. Other things we have in common are:

I'm married to another Karen (for 51 years) and,

we dog-sit our daughter's two Yorkies on average 2 days a week for the last 12 years.

Good luck to both of us with the insulin.

Richard in Denver

Hi Richard, I've had two evening shots now and was very pleased to find it was painless, I hope it is for you too. It will take some time I think to get things under control again, so we will be patient as we have no choice :) We love our Yorkie he has about 1/4 of maltese in him so he is a morkie lol, his name is Dexter. Yes, good luck to us both. Karen

Thanks Gary :)

Karen. I am a type 2. When I was first diagnosed I was put on only insulin and no oral medications at all. For that 1.5 years on insulin I felt better both physically and mentally that I do on medicines. I liked insulin therapy way better than oral medications. If my numbers ever go up again I don’t want pills. I preffer insulin over meds. The meds make me feel bad and I rather do insulin. I had both so insulin will be my future choice instead of playing with doses of meds and different types. Don’t feel bad. Sometimes our bodies need a different tool to make us feel better.

Yep it's painless! That's good. So far Ive only been precribed levemir, which is the very slow kind of insulin, and still take the oral meds too. I have been pleased this wieek with my morning blood sugars. 110, 122, 115.

Our daughter's Yorkies are half sisters Penny and Sophie Penny is 15 and I'm afraid not long for the wolrd, Sophie is 13 and still in pretty good shape:-).

I am also on levemir starting at 10 units and increasing one unit per day, in addition to my oral meds as well.

Still not feeling great but am being patient, glad you have had success, waiting for mine. :)

Hi richstacy. A bit off-topic, but I understand re your daughter's Yorkies. Our oldest and first Golden Retriever is almost 12, and probably also not long for this world. Believe me, she is getting spoiled! Our two younger Goldens are half-sisters and totally bonded.

Hi karen, on topic, insulin is a life-saver. Some learning involved, have you read blogs and/or books by Wil Dubois? He is a member of TuD, has his own blog and writes on Really, your control of diabetes is going to improve. Best wishes.

I'm a T1, so insulin is all I've ever known, BUT, when my BGs are high, I definitely feel tired, anxious, and irritable. I really hate that feeling, actually. You may find that you feel better on insulin once your BGs are closer to the range of what's normal.

Will be really glad when that happens, thanks for sharing!

Thanks, I'll check it out!

Uh, folks, I got 4 emails today from TuDiabetes notifying me of four new posts on this thread. But there aren't any. Computer glitch, or what?

Hi Richstacy. How is the insulin working out for you? Do you still take the meds with the insulin? Joanne

Hi Joanne/peetie,
the insulin is working out great. I have stopped the Januvia but am still taking glimepiride. Fasting BGs are between 100 and 120, lowest in years.

On another subject, now I have gotten at least 16 emails today that were apparently delayed for weeks by some cyber gremlin on this and other threads?? Is it just me?

Hi richstacy. No it's not just you, my inbox has been flooded with dozens of old emails. I contacted the administration.

I'm glad your insulin has turned out so well.

Congratulations Richstacey. Good to hear you are doing so well.
I don't get the TuD emails ... I just visit the site when I have time. Cheers!

on the side : richstacy and Trudy : re the flooding of " old " e-mails ....same here ...thanks for contacting Admin , Trudy !! I was trying to respond to Tu and noticed the " do not respond " :( and as a computer unsavvy user had not figured out what to do next ...then help arrived here :)

I had only current emails this morning, so the problem has probably been fixed. :)

Hi Tombcx, Bernsteins diet can work wonders. I imagine the other half of your success was your dedication to bringing this monster under control. I applaud you, you're doing what I dream of doing. I have read Bernstein and have also had success but not as much as you. With it I have lost almost 30 lbs. My weight is normal and I have cut my insulin requirements by 75% but I still need it.

I still say that taking insulin doesn't mean you lost a battle. It means your winning the war.

Gary S