Hi Marty - Sorry to hear about about the ups and downs. You know, going back to your original post, I just have to ask, do you really think it was eating that put the pounds on? It’s just that so many medicines can do that, too. Or, they can cause overwhelming hunger that leads to eating.
In terms of the Symlin, I honestly don’t know if it will lower your overall #s if your BG before meals is on the high side. I just don’t know because I was fairly well regulated before I started the Symlin…and the only way I got regulated was by going way, way low carb…which also took away my hunger for the most part. So, for me, taking Symlin was about reducing my insulin, which in turn, reverses the weight gain.
I hear ya about the Lipitor. I took a statin drug late last year and it was AWFUL. The aches and pains and fatigue made me feel 100 years old. After some research, I refused to take it. I also stopped buying in to the “big lie” of going low fat and instead went low carb (which is not low fat). When I did, my BG came under control and all my cholesterol numbers fell to perfectly normal #s. So, it’s high BG that can lead to high cholesterol. Even my doc couldn’t believe the difference in my #s. I also went from an A1c of 7.9 to 5.4.
I thought this was interesting - http://docnews.diabetesjournals.org/content/4/12/1.1.full
This is interesting as well - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/statin-side-effects/MY00205 - it seems diabetics are more prone to the side effects. I have talked to some people without diabetes who say they don’t have side effects, but for me, I decided I did not want to live that way - not feeling like myself.
Speaking of that, my biggest issue is the Dawn Phenomenon - I’m seriously considering the pump so I can sleep without being wakened by the sweats at 4 am!!
When you say you didn’t eat for 11 hours and your BG went to 212 - that would make me wonder whether your basal rate is set correctly. It should cover you when you’re not eating. I’m also curious about your bolusing - aren’t you on the Omnipod? I assume you are carb counting? I’m just surprised by the highs - for a T2. I hate to play the broken record, but one of the reasons I went low carb was because not doing so made it so much more of a roulette game to control my #s.
One last thing - have you read Jenny Ruhl’s book, or visited her site? Very, very helpful to T2s - http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/
Take care